Posts from 2017

2128 of 28 items

It Decides On You

by Don Wright

Whenever I give my grandson, Tristan, a choice about something, he will sometimes say, using the language of a nine-year-old, “Pa Pa, it decides on you.” That is his way of saying I can determine what course we are going to follow. Does that not really describe life for all of us? We all choose […]

Preaching That Will Not Convert

by Don Wright

The power of God unto salvation is the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16). Sadly, the gospel can be preached in such a way as to not allow its converting power to take effect. Just how can a preacher preach in such a way that will most likely not convert anyone? Let’s look at a few […]

Peer Pressure

by Don Wright

Our “peers” are those around us who are of equal standing with us on the basis of age, grade, or status. When it comes to lifestyles, there is a great deal of pressure on us to conform to our peers. The problem is too many times the lifestyle of our peers is not acceptable to […]

Exposing Error

by Don Wright

T here can be no doubt that exposing error is as much a part of preaching the gospel as is the presenting of the positive precepts of divine truth. This is undeniably proven by the following Scriptures: Jeremiah 1:10 – “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to […]

Only Jesus Saves

by Don Wright

In Acts the third chapter, we read of a man being miraculously healed. A man unable to walk from the time he was born was laid daily at the gate of the temple called Beautiful. The man was laid there because there were many people who entered the temple from that location, and since his […]

Walking Toward Heaven

by Don Wright

Spiritually speaking, are you walking towards heaven or away from heaven? Some would answer that question by simply saying, “I don’t know.” However, we should all know where we are heading spiritually. Do you go outside and just start walking without any idea of where you are heading? Not too many people walk aimlessly without […]

Looking at Ourselves

by Don Wright

Regardless of what we do in life, or how hard and rigorously we serve God; regardless of how many good works we amass, we cannot earn our way to heaven. If there is something that we can all agree on, it is this: “we are saved by grace.” As a result of this fact, we […]

The Danger of Ignorance

by Don Wright

Ignorance is defined as “The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language). While some believe that ignorance is bliss, the fact is it is very dangerous, especially as far as the soul is concerned. Paul told the Athenians that God at one time winked at ignorance, but […]