Posts from June 2019

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Access to Grace

by Don Wright

Romans 5:2 (ESV) 2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. This week we are contemplating the blessings involved in our state of justification. In the book of Romans, Paul does a wonderful job emphasizing how […]

Peace with God

by Don Wright

Romans 5:1 (ESV) 1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The word justification means, “to render just or innocent” (Strong). It is to be declared not guilty in heaven’s court. Since we are not really innocent, to be declared such is a matter […]

True Discipleship

by Don Wright

Man has many ideas about what it takes to be a true disciple of Christ. In Matthew 16:24 we have the opportunity to allow Jesus, Himself, to tell us. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” The word “if” in the […]