Posts from 2019

91100 of 255 items

Do Not Judge (Matthew 7:1-5)

by Don Wright

The subject of judging others is misunderstood by many. Some believe that we are always forbidden by God to judge the actions of others. Yes, Jesus instructed us not to judge, but what did He mean? Does “judge not” mean that Christians should tolerate all views and practices, never trying to correct error? Are we […]

Reasons Not to Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

by Don Wright

Worrying is a universal problem. It seems like everyone worries about something. The problem is worrying really does not accomplish anything, and it is often a demonstration of a lack of faith. Thus, Jesus gives us valid reasons not to worry. Worrying ignores the logic of life (ver. 25). Jesus reminds us that if God […]

Who Is Your Master?

by Don Wright

Matthew 6:24 (NKJV) 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Notice the scope of this declaration. Jesus says that no one can serve two masters. […]

Single-Minded Saints (Matthew 6:22-23)

by Don Wright

In this passage, Jesus is talking about what kind of spiritual vision we need to have as Christians. The KJV says the eye must be single. Having single vision simply means to be single-minded, and that is the key to being consistently productive in the kingdom of God. Do you remember the movie “City Slickers”? […]

Where Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-21)

by Don Wright

“Who or what owns your heart?” Is it the world? Do the material things on earth own your heart, or does God own your heart? Those are the kind of questions that Jesus wants us to ask ourselves from time to time. Who or what owns our hearts can be determined by what we truly […]

For What Should We Pray? (Matthew 6:10-13)

by Don Wright

So far in this great Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has taught us the right and wrong way to pray, and the attitude with which to pray. Now He gives us some examples of the kind of things for which we should pray. Consider with me what the Master now teaches us about prayer. We […]

Praying Respectfully (Matthew 6:9)

by Don Wright

Prayer is vital to the life of a Christian. The Bible emphasizes that Christians should be engaged in a life of prayer. Jesus said, in Luke 18:1, that we “should always pray and not faint.” Do you have a daily practice of praying? We saw in our previous blog that we should discipline ourselves to […]

The Right Way to Pray (Matthew 6:6)

by Don Wright

In our last blog, I wrote about the wrong way to pray. Now let us see the right way to pray. Jesus said, we are to enter the closet and pray to the Father in secret. But, what does it really mean to enter the closet and pray? I suggest the following: It means to […]

The Wrong Way to Pray (Matthew 6:5, 7)

by Don Wright

There is a right and wrong way to pray. Here are a couple of wrong ways. We should not pray to be seen of men (ver. 5) This is not a denouncement of public prayer. Jesus and His disciples often prayed publicly (John 11:41, 42; Acts 12:5; 27: 37). What Jesus is denouncing is praying […]

The Second Mile

by Don Wright

If anyone has ever traveled the second mile for others, it was Jesus. Paul said that Jesus emptied Himself. How did He do this? He did it by giving up the riches of heaven, taking on the form of a servant, and being made in the likeness of men (2 Corinthians 8:9; Philippians 2:5-8). Why […]