Posts from 2019

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Spiritual Gifts Part 4

by Don Wright

We have seen in this short series of articles that spiritual gifts existed in the first century. Jesus performed miracles, and so did His apostles, as well as many Christians in the first century church. Their miracles were undeniable (Acts 4:16). They did not heal inward ailments that could not be verified. They did not […]

Spreading the Good News! (The Care for the Gospel)

by Don Wright

All this week we have been giving consideration to spreading the gospel to a world in desperate need for it. What should motivate us to do our best to tell the wonderful story about Jesus to the lost? We have looked at four things. The command from above, the call from without, the compelling from […]

Spreading the Good News! (The Cry from Beneath)

by Don Wright

We are emphasizing this week the importance of saving souls by spreading the good news. This begs the question, from what are we saving souls? Souls must be in danger if they need saving. Sadly, most people, whose souls are in danger, do not realize it. So, a part of preaching the gospel to the […]

Spreading the News! (The Compelling from Within)

by Don Wright

The first century church was a soul-winning church. From the beginning, Christians were involved in spreading the good news. In Acts 2:47, the Bible says, “Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” This implies evangelistic activity. People cannot […]

Spreading the Good News! (The Call from Without)

by Don Wright

The gospel is the greatest message the world has ever received. It is the message about Jesus. It tells the story of Him giving up heaven, taking on the form of a servant by being born in the likeness of men, and ultimately showing His obedience by dying on the cross (Philippians 2:7-8). Of course, […]

Spreading the Good News! (The Command from Above)

by Don Wright

Several years ago, I came across some sermon notes on the importance of preaching the gospel to the lost. It contained five reasons why we should spread the good news of the gospel of Christ. It was so long ago that I no longer have access to the original notes so I cannot give credit […]

Spiritual Gifts Part 3

by Don Wright

In our last article on this subject, we studied about the purpose of spiritual gifts. We learned from the Bible that the miraculous gifts of the first century were for the express purposes of confirming the Word of God (Mark 16:20; Hebrews 2:3-4) and for edification (1 Corinthians 14:26). Why were gifts needed for those […]

Where Are You with Your Activeness?

by Don Wright

In Genesis 3:9, God asked Adam, “Where are you?” when he and his wife, Eve, hid themselves from God after they sinned. Of course, God really knew where the couple was because nothing can be hidden from His sight (Hebrews 4:13). He asked the question just to get a response from Adam. All this week […]

Where Are You with Your Mindset?

by Don Wright

What kind of heart we have will determine what kind of Christians we are. I am not speaking of the physical heart that pumps blood through our bodies, but of our biblical heart, that is, our minds. We all need to search our hearts from time to time because the condition of our hearts will […]

Where Are You with Your Faith?

by Don Wright

Hebrews 11:6 (ESV) 6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Where are you with your Faith in God? Faith is the foundational characteristic of the child of God. Without it, not only […]