Posts from 2019

191200 of 255 items

Where Are You with Your Knowledge of God?

by Don Wright

Knowledge is power. That is what they say in the world of academia. However, we can say the same thing spiritually. The knowledge of God’s Word is a great tool in the hands of a Christian. Where are you in your knowledge of God and His Word? The more you learn from God’s Word, the […]

Where Are You with Your Prayer Life?

by Don Wright

In Genesis chapter three, we read of the entrance of sin into the world. Eve was deceived by the devil to eat of the forbidden fruit. She then gave the fruit to Adam, and he ate of it as well (Genesis 3:1-6). Immediately their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked (ver. […]

Spiritual Gifts Part 2

by Don Wright

In our last article we began to look at the purpose of the spiritual gifts seen in the New Testament. As I previously wrote, when one understands the purposes of spiritual gifts, as well as the intended duration of those gifts, ignorance about them will decrease. So, we began by looking at the purpose of […]

Things That God Hates (A False Witness and a Sower of Discord)

by Don Wright

We have already seen that God hates a lying tongue. While a false witness has a lying tongue, his lying is more sinister than the average liar. His lies are meant to hurt. God hates everything about false testimony. The one who is guilty of such has no honor and is deficient in the area […]

Things That God Hates (Feet That Run toward Evil)

by Don Wright

That God hates feet that run towards evil is not surprising. He is morally perfect and pure. He is light, “and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). John is teaching that, due to the nature of God, we cannot live in sin and maintain fellowship with Him. This is in keeping […]

Things That God Hates (Hearts That Plan Evil)

by Don Wright

Do you remember why God destroyed the world by flood? The easy answer is because the world became corrupt. But, do you remember what God saw in man that moved Him to destroy mankind and begin anew? Genesis 6:5 tells us. “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and […]

Things That God Hates (Lying Tongues and Hurtful Hands)

by Don Wright

The greatest proof that God hates a lying tongue is that all who possess one will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). Why does God view lying so harshly? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it is a characteristic of the devil. Jesus once referred to Satan as […]

Things That God Hates (A Proud Look)

by Don Wright

We know that God is love (1 John 4:8), but that does not mean that God loves everything. Yes, He loves everyone, but He does not love everything. In fact, we know from God’s Word that there are some things that He hates. In Proverbs 6:16-19 we learn about seven of those things. We should […]

Spiritual Gifts

by Don Wright

Spiritual gifts have always been a topic of much interest among Bible believers. Unfortunately, much error has been taught and practiced regarding spiritual gifts over the years. In the first century there existed an improper attitude towards some of the gifts and misconduct so far as the use of the gifts is concerned. Since the […]

Do Not Be Ashamed of the Suffering of Christ

by Don Wright

Isaiah 53:5 (ESV) 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. When we read these kinds of passages that speak of the great suffering that Jesus had to endure for us, we should […]