Posts from 2019

251255 of 255 items

The Furtherance of the Gospel

by drbrown54

During Paul’s second missionary journey, a man from Macedonia appeared to him in a vision asking him to come over to Macedonia and help them (Acts 16:9). Paul, realizing that this was a call from God to preach the gospel in Macedonia, did not hesitate to answer the call. The first place Paul preached in […]

Winding Down with the Word

by Don Wright

How was your day today? Every day brings something new, doesn’t it? Sometimes it is good sometimes it is not so good. Regardless of what the day brings, we thank God for every day. God has blessed us with life, and we should be thankful. Still, life isn’t always easy. Along with the good, there […]

The Pharaoh Mentality

by Don Wright

In Exodus five, we find Moses and Aaron going to Pharaoh with an important message from God. The message: “Let my people go…” How did Pharaoh respond to these divine words? The response: “Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will […]

You Haven’t Really Been Baptized

by Don Wright

That baptism is a part of God’s plan of salvation is vehemently denied by many, but easily proven from scripture. It was Jesus Himself Who told his apostles to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Furthermore, Jesus said that those who believe and […]

New Year, New Possibilities

by Don Wright

It is nothing short of amazing that the years go by so quickly. They seem to fly by, don’t they? I can remember the eighties like it was yesterday. Even though I have gone through some drastic changes since my high school days, it just doesn’t seem as if that time in my life took […]