Posts from 2019

3140 of 255 items

Being Committed to Praying

by Don Wright

One of the great privileges of being a child of God is the ability to talk with Him. It is unbelievable to think that we have access to such an incredible and powerful Being like God; yet, the Bible repeatedly tells us that we do. Romans 5:2 (ESV) 2 Through him we have also obtained […]

Being Committed to the Word of God

by Don Wright

How committed are you to Word of God? The immediate response of some would be, “I am very committed to the Word of God,” but the question is, how do we know? What is involved in being committed to the Word of God. Well, allow me to suggest three things that we must be committed […]

Being Committed to the Lord’s Church

by Don Wright

Do you believe you are committed to God? We all should examine ourselves once in a while to make sure that we are. One question that we can ask ourselves is, “Am I committed to the Lord’s church?” If you are not committed to the church, you are not committed to God. In some ways […]

Being Committed to God

by Don Wright

D. Elton Trueblood once said, “In our modern world, our real danger comes not from irreligion, but from mild religion.” There is a lot of truth in that statement. Yes, there are people in this world who have no real interest in God. However, what really hurts the cause of Christ today, are those who […]

Mis-leadings of the Charismatic Movement

by Don Wright

The doctrinal errors of charismatic churches are no more numerous than any other denominational church. However, the emotionalism that is associated with their attempts to worship God contributes to their acceptance of error in a unique way. Now, let me say that there is nothing wrong with being emotional about the things of God and […]

Tongue Control (Being Kind)

by Don Wright

Kindness should be a characteristic of all who claim to be Christians. There is never a justifiable reason for speaking unkindly. It does not matter what the circumstances are. Whether we are talking to a waitress at a restaurant who mixed up our order, or a spouse with whom we are not seeing things eye […]

Tongue Control (Saying What Is Necessary)

by Don Wright

Unnecessary words can be the source of much harm. On the other hand, not saying what needs to be said can cause problems as well. In the great book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tells us that “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes, 3:1). He gives us a […]

Tongue Control (Words that Edify)

by Don Wright

Do your words build up or tear down? Too many times we fail to give this question any consideration. We need to realize how much our words matter. Words can have a devastating effect on people. In extreme cases, verbal abuse has led to suicide, especially among students who are bullied at school. Marriages have […]

Tongue Control (Being Helpful)

by Don Wright

This week we are considering the importance of tongue control. Last night we emphasized the importance of telling the truth. Paul said, “Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor…” (Ephesians 4:25). You might say to yourself, “I do not lie so I have perfect control of my tongue.” Well, there are […]

Tongue Control (Always Speaking the Truth)

by Don Wright

One of the biggest challenges we face as Christians is controlling our tongues. James reminds us that the tongue is a member of our bodies that cannot be tamed (James 3:8). This is not an excuse to misuse the tongue; it is a warning to always be careful and aware of the damage that it […]