Posts from 2019

5160 of 255 items

Beware of How You Practice Righteousness

by Don Wright

The Bible is a multifaceted book. It is filled with exhortations, admonitions, rebukes, and encouragements. Concerning the Word of God, Paul wrote, “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). The Bible is also a […]

Obeying God at All Times

by Don Wright

As those of you who follow this blog know, we have been considering things that we should do “at all times” this week. We have considered trusting the Lord, blessing the Lord, staying spiritually awake, and praying. The Bible tells us that these are things that we should do at all times, that is, they […]

Praying at All Times

by Don Wright

All week we have winding down with thoughts of things that we should be doing consistently. Tonight, let us think about praying at all times. I have often pointed out that prayer is a neglected blessing. This is a shame since it is probably, outside of salvation itself, the greatest blessing that we have. Prayer […]

Stay Awake at All Times

by Don Wright

We continue tonight thinking about things that we should do at all times. A very important thing for us to always do is strive to be ready for the day that we will stand before the Lord in judgment. Jesus put it like this: Luke 21:36 (ESV) 36 But stay awake at all times, praying […]

Blessing the Lord at All Times

by Don Wright

There are some things that we should do all the time. As Christians, there are too many areas in which we are inconsistent. I know that is a weakness that I am constantly trying to correct in my life. The Bible is full of passages that encourage us to be steadfast (John 15:1-10; 1 Corinthians […]

Trusting the Lord at All Times

by Don Wright

While there are things that are seasonal, like fruit, colors, and your favorite sport, there are other things that are going on all year-round. As Christians, there are some things that should be going on in our lives year-round as well. There are some things that we should be doing all the time. In our […]

3 Things the Devil Knows

by Don Wright

The Bible tells us many things about the devil. He is old, but not eternal. He is powerful, but not omnipotent. He is intelligent, but not omniscient. The devil, then, has limitations, but he is still a great adversary, and, while he is no match for God, he is an enemy that we should all […]

3 Things the Devil Does Not Wants Us to Do

by Don Wright

Last night we looked at a few things that the devil wants us to do. Now, for a couple of minutes, I want you to think about what he does not want us to do. • He Does Not Want Us to Obey the Gospel. If you happen to be reading this and you are […]

3 Things the Devil Wants You to Do

by Don Wright

The devil is our greatest adversary. He wants to separate us from God and destroy our souls. We should know that this is his aim and that he will do everything in his limited power to make that happen. So, what does the devil want us to do? Let me suggest three things to you. […]

3 Things the Devil Wants You to Believe

by Don Wright

In Genesis 3, we read of the first lie ever told (Genesis 3:1-5). This is what prompted Jesus to call Satan the father of lies in John 8:44. No one has ever matched the cleverness of Satan in the realm of deception. The devil is a great liar. Let us consider three of them. • […]