Posts from 2019

8190 of 255 items

Nearer, My God, to Thee

by Don Wright

A beautiful hymn we sometimes sing is “Nearer, My God, to Thee. It was written by Sarah Flower Adams in 1840 eight years before she died at the young age of 43. Her inspiration for the hymn was Genesis 28:12 and Jacob’s ladder that reached to heaven. It is said that the band aboard the […]

Take Time to Be Holy

by Don Wright

This hymn was written by an English businessman named William Longstaff and published in a Newspaper in 1882. Later, the article was seen by a spiritually minded musician by the name of George Stebbins and set to music in 1890. Mr. Longstaff, though financially independent, whose father was a wealthy ship owner, realized that holiness […]

Building A House Upon a Rock

by Don Wright

As Jesus concludes this great sermon, He teaches those who would be citizens in His kingdom a very important lesson. He teaches us that if we are going to be blessed by His words, we must be doers (Matthew 7:24-27). To build a house on a rock is to have a solid foundation that will […]

Things We Cannot Escape

by Don Wright

There are some things we wish we did not have to do. And indeed, there are some things that we are able to avoid doing when we do not want to do them. On the other hand, there are some things that are unavoidable. In this article, let us look at some things that we […]

It Takes More Than Calling Jesus Lord

by Don Wright

Not everyone who believes in Jesus is going to make it to heaven. We know this because Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…” Clearly, some people, who accept that Jesus is the Son of God, will miss out on eternal life. Who are these people? […]

Beware of False Prophets (Matthew 7:15-20)

by Don Wright

False prophets are very dangerous to the souls of men and to the cause of Christ. The word beware means, “to turn the mind to, to be attentive, to devote thought and effort to” (Thayer). In other words, the danger of false prophets is such that it cannot be ignored. Why are false prophets so […]

Entering the Narrow Gate (Matthew 7:13-14)

by Don Wright

Not everyone is going to heaven. Jesus makes that abundantly clear in the passage before us. How different is that truth from the common idea of the world today. Most people think that, not only are they saved, but their family and friends are saved as well. They think it does not matter how one […]

The Golden Rule

by Don Wright

Matthew 7:12 (ESV) 12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. The golden rule is easy to read and understand, but hard to follow. So far as relationships with our fellowman is concerned, this is the most significant rule that […]

Ask, Seek, & Knock (Matthew 7:7-11)

by Don Wright

For the last several blogs, we have been studying the great sermon that Jesus preached on a mountain. If you have been following this blog, you may have noticed that our Lord’s sermon was not very repetitive. Every section that we have examined has been on a different subject matter. Well, our text for tonight’s […]

Preaching with Discernment (Matthew 7:6)

by Don Wright

In our last blog, we covered what Jesus said about judging hypocritically, as well as a few other ways in which it is wrong to judge. However, we also stated that sometimes we must judge. The truth is, every time we preach the gospel to someone, we are making a judgment about the spiritual condition […]