Posts from July 2020

2125 of 25 items

Do You Love the Lord Enough?

by Don Wright

Jesus once asked Peter if he loved Him. In fact, He asked him three times in a row (John 21:15-17). There was a lot going on in this conversation between Jesus and Peter. Asking Peter if he loved Him three times, corresponded with the three denials of Christ by Peter. At that time, Peter was […]

The New Testament Church #5

by Don Wright

Last week we emphasized the organization of the local church. It is important to see that denominational churches do not look anything like the church we read about in the Bible. Am I being overly critical by stating this? No, I am merely stating a fact. The New Testament church, in the local sense, was […]

What Will You Do Next?

by Don Wright

The day that Jesus walked on water was unforgettable. I am sure Peter never forgot that day because it was a day that he also walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33). It had been a long day for Peter and the other apostles. Jesus spent many hours healing the sick, then, sensing that His disciples needed […]

Without Excuse

by Don Wright

In the book of Romans Paul emphasized the theme, “the just shall leave by faith” (Romans 1:17). The message was that salvation comes by an obedient faith in Christ rather than perfect living under the law. Before he could get to that, however, Paul had to establish that there was a need for justification; thus, […]

Finding Favor with the Father

by Don Wright

On the first day of Pentecost after the ascension of our Savior, the gospel was first preached by Peter (Acts 2:14-36). About three thousand souls were saved and added to the church on that day (Acts 2:41-47). The promise that Jesus made to Peter on the coast of Caesarea Philippi began to be fulfilled as […]