Posts from 2020

2130 of 307 items

Keeping in Step with the Spirit

by Don Wright

The urge to gratify the desires of the flesh is strong.  We know this, not only by personal experience, but because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  The “flesh” in Scripture usually refers to human nature that has been corrupted by sin.  To be a faithful child of […]

The Importance of Self-Denial

by Don Wright

We live in a great country.  It is not, however, without its flaws.  From a moral and spiritual standpoint, it leaves a lot to be desired.  Yes, we have religious freedom, which is not a small benefit for a country to have, but the freedom that we possess often leads to licentiousness.  As a country, […]

Do We Really Need a “Thou Shall Not?”

by Don Wright

The difference between going down a path of error and finding the truth is sometimes very slim. It often hinges on one’s view of Bible authority and how it is established. Many people dwell in error, not because they are insincere, but because their hermeneutical approach to the scriptures is wrong. Never is this more […]

Be Strong!

by Don Wright

The admonition to be strong is often given to the people of God.  After the death of Moses, God told Joshua, Moses’ successor, to be strong (Joshua 1:6-8).  As Joab, David’s top general, was about to engage the Ammonites and Syrians in warfare, he told his soldiers to be strong (1 Chronicles 19:13).  When David […]

The Holy Calling

by Don Wright

Christians have been called by the gospel of Christ (Ephesians 4:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:14).  To walk worthy of our calling, we must be aware of the nature of our calling.  Paul helps us with that in the epistle he wrote to Timothy.  2 Timothy 1:8-9 (ESV) 8  Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony […]

How Do You Receive the Word of God?

by Don Wright

The Bible teaches that the Word of God produces faith (Romans 10:17), but that is dependent on the reception of God’s Word by the hearer.  Sadly, the gospel is rejected by more people than it is received.  That is why the gate to destruction is so wide (Matthew 7:13). The world has rejected the Word […]

The Peace of Forgiveness

by Don Wright

Are you holding a grudge against someone?  If so, how does it make you feel?  If you are honest with yourself, it either makes you feel good, which means your heart is being occupied by the devil; or, it makes you feel miserable.  In either case, it means trouble for you. Holding grudges is sinful.  […]

The Joy of the Spirit

by Don Wright

As Christians, we have been taught by the Spirit of God to rejoice.  When we accept what the Spirit teaches, teachings that are found on the pages of inspiration, that is, the Bible, the end result will be joy.  This is why Paul refers to joy as a part of the fruit of the Spirit […]

Straight Talk about the Pandemic

by Don Wright

The devil is shrewd.  He will use any development in the world to divide brethren and weaken the cause of Christ.  The unfortunate emergence of the Coronavirus around the world is one such development.  Satan is taking full advantage of this pandemic to drive a wedge between brethren. You would have to have your head […]

An Imperishable Inheritance

by Don Wright

Man is sustained by hope.  Without it, we struggle to survive the drudgery of everyday living.  Sometimes the only thing that can help us make it through a particularly difficult time is the hope of a brighter day. As Christians, we have hope.  No matter how good or bad our day has been, we know […]