Posts from 2020

4150 of 307 items

How Will You Die before You Experience Death?

by Don Wright

Some people take pride in their fearless nature.  They fancy themselves as being bold and courageous, not afraid of anything.  But, there is something that most people fear, even the most courageous, and that is death.  Men fear death because of the misery that attends it,  the darkness and corruption which follow it, and the […]

The Silent Assailant

by Don Wright

What can make us fail to obtain the grace of God?  In our last blog, we looked at two things that will do so—not running the race of Christianity properly and running the race inconsistently.  There is something else that can prevent us from obtaining the reward of God’s grace.  It is a silent assailant.  […]

Failing to Obtain God’s Grace

by Don Wright

Thank God for His grace.  Without it, we would be without hope.  The only way a person can be saved without the grace of God is by living a perfect, sinless life, something that no one, other than our Savior, has done (Romans 3:23).  I cannot begin to describe how blessed we are to be […]

Has Anyone Seen Jesus?

by Don Wright

I hope no one answered the question above with a yes.  No one has seen Jesus with their physical eyes since Paul did on the road to Damascus, recorded in the book of Acts (Acts 9).  I know many people claim to see Jesus today, and even converse with Him, but they are at best […]

Striving to Be Holy

by Don Wright

In our last blog, we found the Hebrews writer exhorting us to pursue peace.  He also tells us to pursue holiness: Hebrews 12:14 (NKJV) 14  Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:  Holiness is one of the primary characteristics of a Christian.  The Greek word is “hagiasmos” […]

The Pursuit for Peace

by Don Wright

We live in a world of chaos.  Such is a byproduct of sin.  The devil thrives on chaos, and he is very active in the world.  There is peace to be found, however, even in this world, but it does not come by accident, we must pursue it. Hebrews 12:14 (NKJV) 14  Pursue peace with […]

Unscriptural Baptism

by Don Wright

There really should be no controversy over baptism.  The only reason for it is because there are too many people listening to man instead of the inspired Word of God. God’s word is clear. Baptism is essential. The purpose of baptism is to have one’s sins forgiven (Acts 2:38). It is when a person is […]

Take Hold of Eternal Life

by Don Wright

The salvation of our souls is not something to take lightly.  Yet, the majority of people in the world do this very thing.  We should not be surprised by this because the world does not know God, nor are people of the world interested in the things of God, not even the hope of heaven.  […]

Have You Cast Your Anchor?

by Don Wright

The Devil’s main objective is to get as many Christians as he can to stumble.  He does not like it when people obey the gospel, but he never gives up hope.  As long as he has the opportunity to turn the new convert back to the world, he will keep on trying.  What we must […]

Lips Service

by Don Wright

God is all-knowing.  He cannot be fooled.  Of all people, we would think that His people would know this.  Evidently, such is not the case.  Listen to the words Isaiah spoke against the people of God in his day. Isaiah 29:13 (ESV) 13  And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth […]