Posts from May 2021

2124 of 24 items

Who Can Worship God?

by Don Wright

In our last “Winding Down with The Word,” I emphasized what a privilege it is to be able to approach God’s throne in prayer.  The truth is, worshipping God, in general, is a privilege for which we should be thankful.  Who can worship God acceptably?  David addressed this in Psalm 24.   Psalm 24:3 (ESV) 3 […]

The God Who Answers Prayer

by Don Wright

Prayer is one of the great blessings that we possess as the people of God.  It is both a responsibility and a privilege to be able to approach God’s throne in prayer.  The Word of God makes it clear that God desires for us to pray.  Jesus gave a parable to His disciples, teaching them […]

The Heart of the Matter

by Don Wright

As Christians, nothing is more important than the heart.  The biblical heart refers to the intellectual part of our being, that is, the mind.  It involves, not only our thinking, but our emotions and dispositions as well.  It determines our level of commitment to God and how loyal we are to Him.  When it comes […]

God Has His Own Clock

by Don Wright

One of the challenges that we face as children of God is to learn to wait on the Lord.  Waiting for anything is hard.  Most of us want what we want on our schedule, which usually means we want it sooner rather than later.  This mentality sometimes creeps into our dealings with God.  When we […]