Posts from July 2021

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Biblical Questions That Need Answering (What Is Your Life?)

by Don Wright

The next biblical question we want to consider is one asked by James, and it is a very good question.  In James 4:14, he asked the simple question, “what is your life.”  He asked this question with regard to the duration of our lives.  He answered it by saying, “For you are a mist that […]

Biblical Questions That Need Answering (By What Authority?)

by Don Wright

It is no secret that the Jewish leaders in the days of Jesus hated Him.  They were constantly harassing Him, trying to get Him to make some kind of mistake that would condemn Him in the eyes of either the Roman authorities or, at the very least, the eyes of the common people. In the […]

What Do You Fear?

by Don Wright

Fear is a byproduct of sin.  Adam and Eve did not know fear until after they violated the command of God and ate of the tree in the midst of the garden (Genesis 3:2-3).  When they heard the sound of God walking in the garden, they hid from Him.  When God asked Adam why they […]

Giving Thanks to God’s Name

by Don Wright

Are you thankful for the many blessings that come from God?  Since God owes us nothing, everything He gives us or does for us is a gift.  Having a lack of appreciation for the gracious giving of our Maker is a sure way of bringing upon ourselves His wrath (Romans 1:18-20).  The righteous are always […]