Posts from August 2021

2128 of 28 items

Mighty Messages from First John One (The Deity of Christ)

by Don Wright

First John starts off with a bang.  John opens up with a truth that should raise the view of Jesus of anyone who holds Him in doubt by denying His divine nature. 1 John 1:1-2 (ESV) 1  That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which […]

Flaws That Need Fixing (Uncontrolled Tongue)

by Don Wright

Do you talk too much?  My guess is that if you do, you do not realize it.  Neither would I.  Those who talk too much generally do not realize that their mouths are constantly running.  And, most of the time, their brains cannot keep up with their tongues, so they often say inappropriate things. Not […]

Flaws That Need Fixing (Selfishness)

by Don Wright

We live in a “me first” society.  Selfishness runs rapid in the world today.  To be a Christian, however, one must learn to put others before self.  The one who is constantly putting himself before everyone else is plagued with a flaw that needs fixing because it will stop him from ever being a successful […]

Flaws That Need Fixing (Misplaced Loyalties)

by Don Wright

The word loyal means, “unswerving in allegiance, faithful to a cause or one’s lawful sovereign” (Webster).  How we live our lives depends a lot on the one, or ones, to whom we are loyal.  As Christians, our loyalty to God should come before anyone or anything else.  All the other loyalties in our lives should […]

Flaws That Need Fixing (Ignorance)

by Don Wright

Will Rogers once said, “We are all ignorant, only on different subjects.”  He was right about that.  Ignorance is not always a terrible flaw—it just depends on the subject.  If I want to know how ignorant I am on a variety of subjects, all I have to do is watch an episode of Jeopardy.  Not […]

Flaws That Need Fixing (Arrogance)

by Don Wright

We all have flaws.  Some flaws we will probably carry for the rest of our lives because they are not that significant, but then, there are others that we ignore at our own peril.  Flaws, that if we ignore them, could lead to the destruction of our souls.  These are flaws that need fixing. Pride […]

When Love Is Not Enough

by Don Wright

The importance of love is made clear by the teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1-4.  Who could doubt the necessity of love after reading these words from Paul’s inspired pen?  Love, however, is not always enough to please God.  If love, in one area, ignores the commandments of God in another, it is not […]

Who Do Men Say That I AM?

by Don Wright

People have always been confused about Jesus.  Even while Jesus was in the flesh, here on earth, people misunderstood who He was.  Jesus once asked His disciples, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?”  Their response was, “Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elijah; and others Jeremiah, or […]