Posts from January 2022

2127 of 27 items

The Bondage of Bitterness

by Don Wright

Some sins seem to get a free pass.  They, like all sin, are devastating to the soul, but they are rarely repented of and therefore hardly ever rectified.  One such sin is bitterness. Hebrews 12:15 (ESV) 15  See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” […]

The Danger of Doing Good

by Don Wright

There is an imbalance in this world that sees the righteous suffering and the wicked prospering.  It has always been hard for the people of God to see how well the unrighteous do in this world.  The Psalmist admitted,  “…I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:3). […]

The Joy of God’s Grace

by Don Wright

One of the saddest developments in the religious world today is the great misunderstanding of the grace of God.  Some believe that grace completely eradicates the need for man to work out his own salvation (Philippians 2:12).  Sadly, this group is composed of the majority of people who believe they are following Christ.  The doctrine […]

Praising God Every Day

by Don Wright

When do you praise God?  Is it only when life is treating you the way you think it should?  It is easy to praise God when everything seems to be going our way, but what about when we hit a rough patch on the road of life?  Shouldn’t we praise God even during difficult times?  […]

When You Pray

by Don Wright

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us how to pray.  Since prayer is so critical to our overall spiritual wellbeing, His teaching is very valuable.  This is what He said: Matthew 6:6 (ESV) 6  But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is […]

Holy Spirit Baptism #3

by Don Wright

We have seen in our last few articles that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was something that was promised only to the apostles, and there is no longer any purpose for it.  Someone may ask, “What about the case of Cornelius and his household?”  In this final article on Holy Spirit baptism, let us […]

Holy Spirit Baptism #2

by Don Wright

In our first installment of this three-part series on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we saw that Charismatics believe that Holy Spirit baptism should be experienced by all who claim to be Christians.  They further suggest that one cannot be what God wants him or her to be without receiving the baptism of the […]