Posts from December 2022

2125 of 25 items

The Underemphasized Command

by Don Wright

Not forsaking the assembling of the saints, preaching the gospel to the lost, living pure and undefiled lives, and loving one another are all commandments given to us by God that we emphasize over and over again.  There is a command that I believe is underemphasized, at least by many churches of Christ. The command […]

Being Productive in the Kingdom of God

by Don Wright

That we are saved by grace is clearly taught in the New Testament.  Having the hope of heaven is possible only because of the unmerited favor of our heavenly Father.  No one emphasized this truth more than Paul.  He knew He was what he was by the grace of God (1 Corinthians 15:10). While we […]

O Death, Where Is Your Sting?

by Don Wright

Nothing shouts out victory for the child of God louder than our triumph over death.  For most, death is the most fearful thing in their lives.  For Christians, death is nothing more than a gateway to a better place.  Paul knew this to be true. Philippians 1:23 (ESV) 23  I am hard pressed between the […]

He Came and He Is Coming Back

by Don Wright

Christians have something in common with the Jews of old.  The Jews lived their lives with the hope that the Messiah was coming.  Their hope was based upon the promises of God.  Through Moses, God promised that the Messiah would come in the form of a prophet. Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 (ESV) 15  “The LORD your […]

Servants of the Greatest Giver

by Don Wright

To go to  heaven after a while, we must give God our best.  Only servants of God will be saved in the end.  The good news is that we serve a God gives a whole lot more than He gets.  As  givers go, God is the greatest of all time.  The greatest gift that God […]