Posts from July 2023

2126 of 26 items

Don’t Forget the Teachings of the Lord

by Don Wright

The grace of God is revealed to us in a variety of ways.  The greatest of all, of course, is by the manifestation of His Son in the flesh, and His ultimate sacrifice for our sins on the cross.   Another demonstration of God’s grace is His revealed Word.  Without revelation to guide us in the […]

The Goodness of God

by Don Wright

How often do you give thanks to God?  As Christians, we have more things to be thankful for than we can innumerate, including many things that we take for granted and to which we give little thought.  One of those things is the goodness of God.   Psalm 118:1-4 (ESV) 1 Oh give thanks to the […]

Learning to Listen When It Hurts

by Don Wright

Listening to others has always been a challenge for people.  Even Christians find it hard sometimes to be a listener rather than the one doing the talking.  This is why James gave the admonition to hear. James 1:19 (ESV) 19  Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak… […]

Jesus Knows

by Don Wright

In the first section of the book of Revelation, there are seven letters written by our Lord to seven churches located in Asia Minor.  Each letter is unique to the church to which it was written, but there is one commonality in each of the letters—Jesus tells all the churches, “I know” (Revelation 2:2, 9, […]

Consider the Source

by Don Wright

In Romans One, we see the progressive nature of sin.  Specifically, we see the continual plight toward the moral ruin of those who deny the reality of God.  Paul said that these deniers of God “…changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted […]

A Desirable Addiction

by Don Wright

In most cases being addicted to something is not very desirable.  When we think about the alcoholic sitting on a park bench with half a bottle of liquor in his hand, his life all but ruined by his addiction to alcohol,  it is not a pretty picture.  It is certainly not a situation that we […]