Posts from March 2024

2125 of 25 items

Acceptable Sin

by Don Wright

Sin personified is man’s greatest enemy. It is the only thing in the world that can separate a person from God and cause him or her to spend eternity in a devil’s hell. There is nothing more dangerous, destructive, and devastating than sin. As Christians, one of the primary aims of our lives should be […]

Looking Ahead to Glory

by Don Wright

It is easy to get down in life. This world is such a mess that it can fill us with sadness and depressing thoughts when we focus too much on the negative things in life. Just watching the evening news these days can lead to a melancholy mindset. We do, however, have an advantage as Christians. No […]

“Be Ye Steadfast”

by Don Wright

1 Corinthians 15 is one of the great chapters in God’s Word. It deals with a foundational subject for those of us who are Christians, that is, the resurrection from the dead. Some of the saints in the church at Corinth were denying the resurrection, making Paul spend quite a bit of time and space […]

The “Gender Equality” Movement within the Church

by Don Wright

There is now a website called “Where the Spirit Leads”  that is not only pushing that women should be in leadership roles in the church, but also equates churches that don’t agree with them as being male chauvinistic in nature and that are full of men who are little better than slave owners.    The site […]

Judging According to Appearance (Improper Judging)

by Don Wright

Most people do not know what the Bible teaches about judging others.  It is the belief of those who know very little about the Bible, or, perhaps, nothing at all, to conclude that we are never to judge others.  Their conclusion is based upon what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, which most of them have […]