Posts from April 2024

2125 of 25 items

Avoiding Apostasy (Perseverance with Prayer)

by Don Wright

We can fall from grace!  Do not let the false teachings of men give you a false sense of security.  Yes, we do have security in Christ.  Listen to what Peter teaches about those of us who are Christians. 1 Peter 1:5 (ESV) 5 Who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a […]

Avoiding Apostasy (Running with Endurance)

by Don Wright

The devil is no myth.  He is more than a Halloween costume.  He is a real, personal being who is on the attack against man (1 Peter 5:8).  He lives to devour and destroy souls.  How can we overcome him and his attacks?  That has been the focus of our blogs this week and we […]

Avoiding Apostasy (Personal Examination)

by Don Wright

Have you ever noticed how many passages warn us against falling?  The saints at Corinth seemed to be under the impression that they were spiritually invincible.  Paul indicated otherwise. 1 Corinthians 10:12 (ESV) 12Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. His admonition to them is applicable to all of […]

Avoiding Apostasy (Keeping Hope Before Us)

by Don Wright

Peter reminds us that the devil is on the prowl, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).  In a gospel meeting that we are presently involved in at the Brown Street church of Christ, our guest speaker, Greg Gwin, made a good point about the devil.  He said that there are only four references in […]

Avoiding Apostasy (Attending Services Faithfully)

by Don Wright

One of the many reasons Calvinism is such a devilish doctrine is that it gives people a false sense of security.  It teaches that a child of God can’t lose his soul.  This doctrine is referred to as the “Impossibility of Apostasy” doctrine.  This doctrine, whether it is intended or not, gives people the idea […]