Posts from October 2024

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How We Can Oppose Ourselves

by Don Wright

In the eighteenth chapter of the book of Acts, we find Paul preaching the gospel to the citizens of Corinth.  While Paul had some success at Corinth, establishing a local church at that location, some rejected the gospel.  In Acts 18:6, Luke refers to those who rejected Paul’s inspired words in an interesting way.  He […]

How to Show God Reverence (In the Home)

by Don Wright

The least we can do as God’s children is to show Him the respect and reverence He deserves and demands.  While the lack of godly fear is a sign of arrogance and ignorance, fearing God demonstrates wisdom and knowledge. Psalm 111:10 (ESV) 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those […]

How to Show God Reverence (By Our Worship)

by Don Wright

Worshiping God is the best way to show reverence to Him.  In fact, by definition, to worship God means to give Him reverence.  The Greek word for worship is proskyneō.  This is what Strong says it means. Strong’s Greek Dictionary To prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore) It is possible, however, to accomplish […]

How to Show God Reverence (By Our Obedience)

by Don Wright

The Bible speaks of reverence for God in terms of godly fear.  To fear God is to give Him the respect that He deserves which is a part of having reverence for God. Ecclesiastes 12:13 (KJV) 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is […]

How to Show God Reverence (By Our Dress)

by Don Wright

How we dress makes a statement about ourselves, especially today.  Immodest apparel has become the norm.  People of all ages dress immodestly.  When we as Christians cover ourselves properly, we stand out.  This is the way it should be, not to be personally praised, but to glorify God.  That is the purpose of letting our […]