Posts from 2024

91100 of 214 items

Elders in the Lord’s Church (They Are Good Men)

by Don Wright

Qualified elders in local churches are good men.  What do I mean by good?  The apostles put it best when looking for men who could serve tables while they committed themselves to preaching the word.  They said, “Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of […]

Elders in the Lord’s Church (They Keep Watch Over Our Souls)

by Don Wright

Three Greek words refer to the office of an elder.  The word for “elder” is presbyteros.  It denotes an older man who has accumulated some wisdom and experience.  Then there is the word for pastor which is poimēn.  This word points to the care elders give to the flock as shepherds.  Finally, there is the […]

Elders in the Lord’s Church (Recognizing Their Authority)

by Don Wright

I was recently told by an elder (not at the congregation where I preach) that he felt like some of the members where he was located did not have the appropriate respect for the eldership.  An issue arose that caused a few members to question the authority of the elders.  They did not like the […]

Elders in the Lord’s Church (The Great Need)

by Don Wright

I have been preaching the gospel for nearly forty years.  For most of that time, I have been privileged to serve under four different elderships.  I served a congregation for five years that did not have elders, and it was the only time that I had trouble with a local church.  From that experience, I […]


by Don Wright

Vacation: Winding Down with Word will resume on 6-3-24


by Don Wright

Vacation: Winding Down with Word will resume on 6-3-24


by Don Wright

Vacation: Winding Down with Word will resume on 6-3-24


by Don Wright

Vacation: Winding Down with Word will resume on 6-3-24


by Don Wright

Vacation: Winding Down with Word will resume on 6-3-24

Things That Never Change (God’s Plan of Salvation)

by Don Wright

There are two parts of God’s plan of salvation—God’s part and man’s part.  God’s part never changes because it is already complete.  It involved the death, burial, and resurrection of His one and only Son (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).   Man’s part involves the instructions that God gives through the gospel. These instructions will be applicable until […]