Posts from 2024

151160 of 291 items

Is Fidelity Important?

by Don Wright

The traditional vows that are taken when one enters the holy estate of matrimony usually involve the vow “till death do us part…”  That is a vow that is founded upon the word of God.  In reference to marriage, Jesus said, “…What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).  In […]

Non-Judgmental Preaching

by Don Wright

In July of 2005, the Lakewood Church in Houston Texas moved into the former Compaq Center, the old home of the Houston Rockets of the NBA, remodeled to be their new place of worship.  The Lakewood Church was, at that time, the largest one in America, averaging around 40,000 people a week in attendance.  The […]

The Passage Does Not Say That (Peter Was the First Pope)

by Don Wright

Catholicism stands or falls on whether Peter was or was not the first Pope.  If he was, that must have been God’s plan for the church, and saying that all the Popes that followed him were his predecessors is a legitimate claim.  However, if it can be proved that Peter was not the first Pope, […]

The Passage Does Not Say That (120 Disciples Were Baptized with the Spirit)

by Don Wright

Charismatics believe strongly that every true believer is baptized with the Holy Spirit. They believe the evidence for this goes back to the beginning when 120 disciples were filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. They point to the opening of Acts 2 where the Bible says that “they were all filled with […]

The Passage Does Not Say That (David Was Born a Sinner)

by Don Wright

Calvinism is the false doctrine that teaches, among other things, that we inherit Adam’s sin and are, therefore, born sinners. One of their proof texts is Psalm 51:5 which they say teaches clearly that David was born a sinner. The problem for them is the passage does not say that. Here is what the passage […]

The Passage Does Not Say That (Baptism Is Not Necessary for Salvation)

by Don Wright

Paul once emphasized the importance of rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).  Failing to do this usually results in someone believing and teaching that a passage says something it does not say, leading one down the path of doctrinal error.  Sadly, this happens a lot in the religious world.  This week I […]

The God We Serve (He Is Love)

by Don Wright

This week, we have taken a brief look at some of the main characteristics of God.  God is great, righteous, merciful, and patient.  While this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of God’s characteristics, it would still be remiss of me not to include love in the week-long discussion about Him. After all, […]

The God We Serve (He Is Patient)

by Don Wright

It is hard to understand how God puts up with us sometimes.  Mankind is a moral mess, and it is not God’s fault.  He created us upright (Ecclesiastes 7:29), with the ability to make the right choices in life (Genesis 1:26).  This is why Joshua said to the Israelites, “Choose this day whom you will […]

The God We Serve (He Is Merciful)

by Don Wright

It is important that we see all sides of God. We saw in our last blog that He is righteous. That means that He is just and fair in everything that He does, and it assures us that we will be treated fairly on the day of judgment, as well as in all His dealings […]

The God We Serve (He Is Righteous)

by Don Wright

We can take great comfort in knowing that our God is righteousness.  The word righteous is used in three ways in the Bible.  It refers to the justification that is imputed to us by our obedient faith (Romans 1:17; 3:21-22), the sum total of all that God commands us to do (1 John 2:29; 3:7), […]