In Genesis 3:9, God asked Adam, “Where are you?” when he and his wife, Eve, hid themselves from Him after they sinned.  Of course, God really knew where the couple was because nothing can be hidden from His sight (Hebrews 4:13).  He asked the question just to get a response from Adam.  All this week I have used that question as the basis for the articles on this blog, emphasizing the importance of examining ourselves from time to time.  In this final article this week, I want us to consider where we are regarding being active in Christ.

Christianity involves a lifetime of activity.  It involves working and laboring for the Lord, helping the local church, of which we are members, to grow and reach its full potential.  Sadly, not all members of the church are active.

The word active means, “characterized by action rather than by contemplation.”  Yes, there is a time to contemplate.  We should always think before we act.  Still, there comes a time when we must stop thinking about doing something and get down to the business of doing it.  Through the years there have been many people who have had good intentions here on earth but never took action.  They lost their souls as a result.  Good intentions alone will not save us.  They will not wash away our sins or keep us in a right relationship with God.  Sooner or later we must get down to the business of doing.

After giving a wonderful example of humility and service by washing His disciples’ feet, Jesus said to them, “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you…If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them” (Jn. 13:15, 17).  There is little doubt that the apostles got the message Jesus wanted them to get by washing their feet, but it would only benefit them if they turned the lesson into action.  For them to be blessed, they had to serve one another.

Where are you when it comes to being an active Christian?  Are you a doer or just a hearer deceiving yourself into thinking you are okay spiritually?  James warned us about this (James 1:22-25).  We must not just read and study the Bible, we must put it into action in our lives, living by the Word of God.  We must be actively involved in good works.  The salvation of our souls depends upon it.

There are many in the religious world who say that works are not necessary.  However, they usually confuse works of the Law with works of obedience.  No, we are not saved by works of the Law; however, when it comes to doing what God has commanded us to do, both in being saved originally, that is, being justified, and in staying saved, there is work involved.  Without obedience a person cannot be saved or stay saved.  The Bible is clear about this (Matthew 7:21;Acts 2:40; Philippians 2:12; James 2:14-26).

While there is something that a person must do to be saved, the emphasis of this article is really on staying saved by being actively involved in the work of the Lord.  That is what we must constantly examine in our lives.  Are we remaining active in Christ?  It is easy to fall into the trap of slowly becoming inactive and developing a dormant kind of Christianity, which is not Christianity at all.  Remember, to be a Christian is to follow the example of Jesus, and He was never inactive.  Jesus once said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day” (John 9:4).  In another place He said, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working” (John :17).  Should we not be striving to be like Jesus?

One thing Jesus was, along with all His other wonderful characteristics, is busy.  Do not let anything or anyone hinder you from being like Jesus and being actively involved in the work of God.  You must not just claim that you have faith, you must show your faith by your works (James 2:18).  So, where are you when it comes to activeness?  Let us all determine to do as much as we can for the Lord while we can, for as Jesus said, “the night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4).

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.