In Romans One, we see the progressive nature of sin.  Specifically, we see the continual plight toward the moral ruin of those who deny the reality of God.  Paul said that these deniers of God …changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”  They then endeavored to fulfill the lust of their flesh in homosexual ways, “…men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men…”  

Is there a connection between what we have just observed and the nature of television today?  I think so.  Television is becoming more unsuitable for children (and adults too for that matter) every year.  Not only is there an abundance of immorality, bad language, and violence on T.V., but there is also more and more God-bashing.  God’s ways are always held as unreasonable.  Common biblical teachings are viewed as “outdated” or “silly.”  Those of us who are Christians marvel at how fast the entertainment industry is slipping into complete moral decadence.

If you are angered by the trends of television, you are not alone.  It is disturbing to all of us.  However, we should consider the source.  The powers behind T.V. are non-Christians who often deny the existence of God as did those spoken of in Romans one.

John Prizer, a writer and producer in Hollywood, said, I can’t think of anybody (in Hollywood) in the last 20 years who is active in church affairs.”   

John Furia Jr., a past president of the Writers Guild said, Religion is definitely not taken seriously in Hollywood…”

The attitude of those involved in television is accentuated by Amanda Donohew, an actress in Hollywood who once played a role in a movie in which she spits on a crucifix.  Her response was, “I’m an atheist, so it was actually a joy.  Spitting on Christ was a great deal of fun–especially for me, being a woman… I can’t embrace a male god who has persecuted female sexuality throughout the ages, and that persecution still goes on today all over the world.”

Will things ever get better?  Will T.V. ever get cleaned up?  Personally, I think it is unlikely.  Why?  Because of the source.  As long as ungodliness prevails in Hollywood, television will continue to get worse.  This is a shame, for what could otherwise be a valuable medium in many areas will soon be completely ruined.  Yes, there are still some watchable shows on T.V., but sadly, the direction it is going simply mirrors the condition of our society today.