Sin is repulsive. It was sin that made it necessary for God to go to extreme measures to redeem mankind. God sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3) The conquering of sin, however, required more than the manifestation of God’s Son in the flesh.  Jesus had to be willing to die in our place.  Thank God He was willing to do this. On a cross just outside of the city of Jerusalem, in a place called Golgotha, Jesus was wounded for our transgressions (Isaiah 53:4-6). On that cross, He paid the price for sin for all of us.  Surely, we should glory in the cross (Galatians 6:14).

However, not everyone is willing to glory in the cross.  There are some enemies of  Christ and the cross (Philippians 3:18). Who are these enemies?  Let’s listen to Paul.

  1. Those who serve the lust of the flesh. In Philippians 3:19, Paul said that these people had their God in their bellies. In other words, they lived for self-indulgence and sensual gratifications. So, those who serve themselves instead of Christ would surely be enemies of the cross.  They make the sacrifice on Calvary vain in their lives by their disobedience.  They encourage others to place a higher value on their own wants than they do on serving Christ. Anyone who encourages others to sin, whether it be verbal or demonstrative encouragement, are enemies of the cross.
  1. Those who conduct themselves shamefully. Some things are simply shameful to the child of God. We know as Christians what sin is – a transgression of God’s law. It is missing the mark.  Anything that runs contrary to God’s will, being in opposition to His law, is sin, and we, as Christians, ought to stay away from such things.  Those ungodly things that once delighted us should now cause shame in our hearts (Romans 6:20. 21).  Enemies of the cross, however, have no shame (Philippians 3:19). They boast about their sins. Remember, Jesus died on the cross to remove sin; therefore, to glory in sin is to treat the cross and the sacrifice made on it profanely. 
  1. Those who mind earthly things. Paul concludes his description of these people by saying they mind earthy things (Philippians 3:19). The heavenly calling has no attraction to them.  They only think of and are interested in the baser things of this world.  This again runs contrary to the purpose of the cross. Jesus died so that we might live forever in heaven.  To emphasize the earthly is to suggest that the purpose of the cross was foolish.

We know the world is filled with enemies of the cross; what a shame it is, however, to find some in the church.  Let’s all make sure that we never fall into this category.