Describing the spiritual armor of God, Paul refers to the “helmet of salvation.”  The helmet protects the head; thus, the spiritual helmet protects the mind.  Putting on a helmet of salvation implies filling our minds with thoughts of heaven.  This is something that we all should do regularly.

What kind of place will heaven be?  Most of the characteristics of heaven are too great for us to comprehend.  The beauty of heaven will be such that John could only describe it as having a street of gold and gates made of pearl.  There is not going to be a literal street of gold or pearly gates in heaven, but John was simply trying to describe the indescribable.  Needless to say, the beauty of heaven will be greater than we can imagine.  Something else that is hard to imagine is a place that is free of sin.  Think about some of the things that we will never have to experience again because of the absence of sin.

In heaven there will be no fear.  When sin was introduced into the world by Adam and Eve, fear came along with it.  After they sinned, Adam and Eve heard God coming and, because they were afraid, they hid themselves (Genesis 3:10).  Adam and Eve had never experienced fear before because there was never anything to fear.  Sadly, from that day on, man has been filled with fear.  Fear is a paralyzing emotion that can take over a person’s life.  Some people live in fear.  Perhaps man’s biggest fear is death.  However, in heaven there will be no death (Revelation 21:4); therefore, we will never have to fear it again.  And, when you think about it, there will not be anything to fear in heaven.  Heaven will be sin-free and, therefore, there will be no more fear.

As bad as fear may be, it is probably the most mild consequence of sin.  The heartbreak that has been caused by sin is too great to gauge.  Think of all the pain families have experienced because of sin.  Adultery has led many happy homes into despair, crashing down from the height of happiness to the depths of desolation.  Alcoholism and drug abuse have torn millions of families apart.  Gambling has harmed a countless number of families. Then there are the health problems that come from the practice of sin.  Cancer produced by smoking, cirrhosis of the liver caused by the consumption of alcohol, sterility caused by some type of STD, etc.  Yes, sin is, indeed, dangerous.

The most devastating result of sin is the spiritual death that it causes.  Sin separates man from God (Isaiah 59:1-2), the result being damnation in a devil’s hell (Matthew 25:41).  This is not a temporary state of being; it is a permanent place of punishment.  What a terrible price to pay just to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:25).  It is not just the ultimate price that one pays for sin that is so bad; there are devastating results of sin right now.  Those who live in sin lose out on all of the spiritual riches that are to be found in a relationship with God.  Access to the benefits of God’s love, goodness, mercy, and providential care are all lost to the practicing sinner.  As Paul said in Romans 7:7, sin is exceedingly sinful.

Now, think about heaven—a place without sin and the consequences of it.  No more heartache caused by disappointing family members.  No more pain caused by broken down bodies.  No more trials and tribulation, and no more temptation caused by the existence of unrelenting sin.  Adam and Eve knew what it was like to live in paradise, free from the presence of sin, and in heaven we will know that joy too.  No matter what happens in your life because of the existence of sin in the world, stay on the path that leads to heaven.  Before you know it, you will be in a place free of sin forevermore.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.