Matthew 5:5 (ESV)
5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Meekness is one the most essential qualities of a Christian. The fact is one cannot be a Christian without it. Being a Christian means being like Christ, and He was a man of great and unsurpassed meekness (Matthew 11:28).

This beatitude is a natural follow-up to the first two. When the light of God’s Word shines upon our hearts and convicts us of sin, the first effect is to show us how bankrupt we are spiritually. In light of that discovery, and upon realizing how much grief we have caused God by our shortcomings, we mourn over our sins. Finally, the sense of our unworthiness before God forbids us from walking with an egotistical spirit and produces the sweet disposition of meekness within us.

Most people believe that if you want to get ahead, you must be aggressive, ruthless, and willing to do whatever it takes to get there. The kingdom of God, however, is not like that. If you want to rise to the top in the kingdom of heaven, you must be humble and lowly because there the first will be last and the last shall be first (Matthew 20:16, 20-28).

What is meekness? The Greek word for meek means, “to be mild, humble, or gentle.” But, in practical terms the best description of meekness is “power under control.” To be meek is to have the unique blend of kindness and courage, gentleness and strength, and humility and boldness. In the ancient Greek world, the word meek was used to describe tamed animals. Think about a horse. A horse is a terribly strong animal. If you stand close to one, you can see muscles all over its body. Isn’t it amazing that horses will allow human beings to ride their backs? That’s meekness.

Meekness should first be demonstrated towards God. This is seen when we give God the respect He deserves by our obedience. The meek person is not going to complain and murmur about the commandments of God; he is just going to meekly obey, not because he has to, but because he chooses to. We have the power to disobey God. God has given all of us free will, and there is power in having it. But remember, meekness is power under control. So, the meek man will choose not to exercise that power to disobey God, but instead will conform to the Word of God. In other words, the person who is meek towards God will have his free will under control, choosing only to please God by putting His will first.

Meekness should also be shown toward our fellowman. In this regard, meekness is demonstrated by having a gentle and kind spirit. The person who is meek is affable and mild in temperament. He is courteous in speech and pleasant to be around. It doesn’t mean that he never gets angry or that he doesn’t take a stand against sin; it is just that he is able to do those things with a controlled disposition.

Being meek may not be a quality appreciated by the world, but it is loved by God, demonstrated by Jesus, and gives one the power to inherit the earth. The Psalmist put it like this: “The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live forever” (Psalms 22:26).

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.