Matthew 5:8 (ESV
8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

The Jews were well acquainted with the idea of purity. The law of Moses taught them to be physically pure. They meticulously washed themselves daily before each meal, even to the point where the Pharisees condemned others who would eat without washing their hands (Matthew 15:2). Jesus, however, says that there is another purity which is more important, that is, inner purity. It is a purity of the heart. Thus, Jesus teaches us that it is not those who are simply pure on the outside who are going to see God, but those who are pure on the inside. Now, in order to understand what Jesus was saying in this sixth beatitude, there are three words which we must understand. Those three important words are heart, pure, and see.

What Did Jesus Mean by the Heart?

Some think the Biblical heart is the organ that pumps blood through our bodies. Others think it is a mysterious inner emotion. However, the Bible says that it is with the heart that we think (Matthew 9:4), question (Mark 2:6), understand (Matthew 13:15), and believe (Romans 10:10). So, what Jesus is referring to is the mental or intellectual part of our being. He is talking about, not our physical hearts, but our minds. If we are ever going to see God, we must be pure-minded because the condition of our hearts determines who we really are. The wise man said, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

What Did Jesus Mean by Pure?

The term “pure” comes from the Greek word katharos, referring to something that is first clean, and then clear (Strong). We get the word catharsis from it. Catharsis is a term used in psychology meaning a cleansing of the mind or emotions. In classical Greek, the word was most often used to describe metals that had been refined in the fire until they were “pure”, i.e., free from all impurities. From that standpoint, something that is pure is something which is unmixed. If you told me that you had a necklace that was pure gold, you would be telling me that there are no elements in that necklace except gold. It is pure, unmixed, or unadulterated. Thayer says that the word “pure” means to be “free from every admixture of what is false.”

To be pure in heart, then, is to have a mind that is first clean from the immoral pollutions of this world (Philippians 4:8), and then is single in nature, primarily focusing on the spiritual things of God (Matthew 6:19-24; Colossians 3:1-4).

What Did Jesus Mean by Seeing God?

There are two ways that you will see God if you are pure in heart. First, you will experience Him right now. Jesus used the word see in this way when He spoke of Nicodemus seeing the kingdom of God. The kingdom is not something that a person sees with the physical eye, but, rather, something in which he experiences citizenship. The pure in heart will experience a relationship with God, along with all the blessing of being in fellowship with Him. But, if you are pure in heart, you will not only have fellowship with God right now, you will also literally see God in heaven after a while (1 John 3:2; Revelation 21:7). What a great reward for being pure in heart. Truly, the pure in heart shall be blessed.

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.