Not everyone is going to heaven. Jesus makes that abundantly clear in the passage before us. How different is that truth from the common idea of the world today. Most people think that, not only are they saved, but their family and friends are saved as well. They think it does not matter how one lives because, after all, God loves everybody; thus, everyone is going to be saved. That is the belief of the majority of people, that is, if they believe in life after death in the first place. However, just because people believe it does not make it so.

The sad reality is the majority of people are lost. I am not just being pessimistic when I say that. I have not been overwhelmed with a disposition of negativity. I am simply relaying the plain teaching of our Savior. The truth is the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and, as Jesus said, “those who enter by it are many.”

The wide gate is one into which a person can enter regardless of their condition or state. It is the gate that does not demand repentance for sin, that is, a change of heart toward sin, nor any type of lifestyle change. There is no certain belief that a person has to have to enter this wide gate. One can believe in everything or nothing at all.

Those who believe in the Father but reject the Son have entered this gate. Those who would follow Confucianism or Buddhism, or some other world religion, but reject God and the gospel, have entered this gate. Those who reject God’s plan of salvation by denying baptism, the importance of obedience, and who teach that we are saved by faith alone, have entered this gate. It is a gate wide enough for all beliefs and practices.

What about immoral living? No problem! The wide gate is broad enough for all kinds of sin and sinners to enter. Drunkards, fornicators, including homosexuals and adulterers, liars, and every kind of hypocrite, can fit into this wide gate. This is what makes this gate so popular. It is the gate chosen by every person who wants to live in sin, apart from God and His Word. Furthermore, it is the gate chosen by those who follow the doctrines of men instead of the doctrine of Christ, and who have joined man-made churches that follow no rules or regulations, but instead, follow their own way like Cain before them. Yes, this is the easy way chosen by the majority of people, but it is the gate that, according to Jesus, leads to destruction.

Thankfully, there is another gate. It is a gate that leads to a harder way of life, but it also leads to eternal life. Yes, there are commandments that have to be kept and a law that must be followed (the gospel of Christ) on this path, but joy unspeakable is at the end of the road. This is the narrow way because very few are willing to enter a gate that leads to sacrifices, as well as a demand to suppress the desires of the flesh. Nevertheless, this is the way Jesus tells us to enter because it is the only way that leads to spending eternity with Him in heaven. At the end of another day, let us think about the important words of our Savior found in Matthew 16:25-26:

Matthew 16:25-26 (ESV)
25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.