In Matthew 6:33, our Lord instructs us to seek the kingdom of God first in our lives. In the New Testament the word is often, but not exclusively, used in reference to the church. Even in proph-ecy, such was the case (Daniel 2:44). This week I want us to think about the importance of seeking the kingdom of God first in our lives, especially as it relates to the local church.

What kind of member are you in the local church to which you belong? Are you a faithful member on whom both God and the church can rely? That is going to be our emphasis this week. My aim is to help all of us be the best members we can be in the kingdom of God. Let us begin with the significance of attending the worship services of the local church.

Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV)
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

To neglect the meeting together of the saints in the local church is to violate the will of God, and that is sin. Every member of every local church has the obligation of assembling with the saints. Just like some make a habit of forsaking the assembling of saints, if we want to be pleasing to God, we must make a habit of being at every service. Why should we be at every service?

First, because it is commanded by God. How can we expect to make it to heaven if we purposely refuse to do what God commands us to do? Listen to Jesus:

Matthew 7:21 (ESV)
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

We know it is the will of God to assemble with the saints; thus, it is essential to our salvation that we do not neglect to do it. Of course, there are some who cannot assemble because of health reasons or other considerations, and God certainly understands that; however, there is a differ-ence between cannot and will not.

Second, because it is in our best interest to be at every service. This is true, not only because it is a necessary requirement given by God, but because of the spiritual blessings that come as a result of doing so. Our worship services are the best source of edification that we have. It is where we learn more of God’s Word and draw closer to God by paying homage to Him in a variety of ways. Doing things like singing and praying and remembering the sacrifice that our Savior made for us is of great value in building us up in the faith.

Third, we should attend the assemblings because of what it does for our brethren in Christ. The Hebrews writer spoke of considering and encouraging one another. That is what we do when to attend services. Yes, our primary reason to be at our assemblings is to worship God and give Him honor, but we are also helping each other by stirring up one another to love and good works. When you miss the assemblings, the brethren miss you and are hurt by it.

Seek first the kingdom of God by making up your mind to attend all the assemblings of the saints.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.