The importance of love is made clear by the teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1-4. Who could doubt the necessity of love after reading these words from Paul’s inspired pen? Love, however, is not always enough to please God. If love, in one area, ignores the commandments of God in another, it is not enough. Let me give you some examples.

Love Does Not Make an Unscriptural Marriage Holy

The law of Christ is very specific when it comes to marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

Matthew 19:9 (ESV)
9  And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

The only way a person can remarry after getting a divorce is if he or she puts away their guilty spouse for sexual immorality. Paul later teaches that the death of a spouse frees one from the marriage bond as well (Romans 7:1-4). Other than these two reasons, a person who has been scripturally bound by God to another in marriage, and then gets a divorce, can never, under any circumstance, marry again. That is the clear and unequivocal teaching of the Word of God.

Some convince themselves, after getting unscripturally remarried, that the love that exists between them and their new spouse makes everything okay. They are wrong. Love is not enough to make an unscriptural marriage scriptural. The union will be an adulterous one as long as it exists. Nothing can make an unscriptural marriage holy, not time, children, or even love.

Love Does Not Make Ignoring God’s Commands Okay

An example of this is seen when it comes to church discipline. Too many brethren believe that withdrawing from family members who have been disciplined by the church is not necessary because of the love they have for them, but love, in this case, is not enough to please God. The Bible is clear about what must be done to brethren who have been disciplined and who continue in sin (1 Corinthians 5:1-11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6).

The cutting off of association of those who continue in sin is a commandment of Christ. Sadly, when it comes to biological family, some brethren refuse to do it. Their argument often centers around the love they have for them, and that love would not do such a thing, but in this case, love is not enough. It is a demonstration of a love that is not knowledgeable (Philippians 1:9-10), and that is greater for family than for Christ. Remember, if we love Christ, we will keep His commandments, even when it is painful to do so (John 14:15). No amount of love for man, even family, will change that. We must all love God more than father, mother, son, daughter, etc. (Matthew 10:36-37).

Love Does Not Make Homosexuality Acceptable

We live in a strange world today. Who would have thought that sexual relationships between two of the same sex would become so acceptable? There is no credible evidence to suggest that there has ever been, in the entire history of humanity, such an acceptance of homosexuality as there is now. That, however, is a discussion for another time. The truth is, the Bible condemns homosexuality thoroughly, comprehensively, and without exception, and for the Christian that settles the matter.

Sadly, the gay-rights movement has the advantage of brainwashing the world through mainstream media and entertainment. TV shows, movies, and even commercials are all saturating our homes with content that attempts to normalize homosexuality. A part of the strategy is to show that two people of the same sex can truly love and care for each other the same way that two of the opposite sex can.

There is no need to deny this, though, we should remember that there are different kinds of love. A homosexual relationship can never be a demonstration of agape, the highest kind of love. While two of the same sex might share in other kinds of love (phileo, storge, and eros), it will never make homosexuality acceptable to God. Demonstrating that two of the same sex can have affection for each other is not enough to settle the issue. God knew what He wanted when He created mankind. He made man and woman to be joined together as one in marriage (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:22-24). Even love cannot change this.