The Bible teaches many things that the world would think is crazy.  Truth be told, many Christians think they are crazy too.  Here is an example.

Romans 5:3 (ESV)
3  Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings…

Who in their right mind rejoices in suffering?  The answer is those who understand the spiritual benefits of suffering.  When we read all of what Paul says in Romans 5:1-4, we get the picture.  Let us spend a few minutes thinking about the benefits of suffering.

  • Suffering produces endurance (ver. 3).

We do not rejoice in suffering because of the way it makes us feel.  Nobody likes unpleasant things.  We rejoice because we know suffering can help us make it to heaven.  After all, it develops staying-power in the child of God.  Since the devil is alive and active, without the ability to endure, reaching our goal of heaven will be impossible.  Sadly, more people who obey the gospel end up falling by the wayside than those who live faithfully until death.  The number of people who remain faithful after coming to Christ is shockingly low.  It is no wonder we are often encouraged by the Spirit to have endurance.

James 1:12 (NKJV)
12  Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Who receives the crown of life?  The one who endures.  If we do not endure, Paul tells us that our labor in the Lord will be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).  Endurance is critical to our salvation (Revelation 2:10), and since suffering produces endurance, we should rejoice in our sufferings. But, James says that it is when we have been approved, which is the result of endurance, that we will receive the crown.  This leads to Paul’s next point in Romans 5.

  • Suffering produces approvedness (ver. 4).

Some translations use the word character here, while others use the words approved character.  The Greek word means, “the quality of being approved” (Complete Biblical Library-GED).  This should be the aim of every child of God.  Paul told Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved…” (2 Timothy 2:15).  Nothing is more important than being approved by God.  Gaining God’s approval might not make you popular among men, but it will secure for you a home in heaven.  Which do you think is more important?  Since suffering leads us to this approved state, we should be glad to suffer for the cause of Christ.

Did you have a rough day, or maybe even a difficult year?  It has been a hard year for many people.  The more important question is have you remained faithful to God?  If so, you can probably look back at it all and say the difficulties that you experienced have made you stronger, and as a result of your endurance, you are living a life approved of God; thus, your hope of eternal life is secure (Romans 5:4).  With that in mind, as you lay down tonight, you can rejoice, even if you have suffered.

 As you wind down for the night, think about these things.