One of the most familiar stories in the Bible involves God testing Abraham by commanding him to offer his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:1-2).  God was always going to intervene, not allowing Abraham to sacrifice his son, but He wanted Abraham to prove his faith.  Abraham passed the test with flying colors.  He did not hesitate to obey God, getting up early the next morning to go to the place to sacrifice his son (ver. 3).  He made all the preparations and then put Isaac on the altar to do what God had commanded him to do.

Just before Abraham could complete the job, the angel of the Lord called out to him, stopping him from killing Isaac.  Abraham had faith all along that God would somehow work things out, even if He had to raise Isaac from the dead to do it (Hebrews 11:17-19).

Afterward, as Abraham was looking up, he saw a ram caught in a thicket and knew immediately that God had provided a sacrifice in the place of his son (ver. 13).  Thus, Abraham called the name of the place, “Yah­weh-Yireh,” meaning, “the Lord will provide.”

God is still in the providing business today.  The name Yahweh-Yireh is interesting.  Yireh means “to see.”  Why then does the name mean “to provide,” rather than “to see.”  The connection between God seeing and God providing is seen in the loving nature of God.  Because God is so benevolent in nature, when He sees that we have a need, we can be sure that He will provide for it.  I like the way “The Message” translates Genesis 22:14.  This translation is more of a paraphrase than a translation, and I would not recommend it for one’s primary Bible, but it gets to the heart of this particular verse.

Genesis 22:14 (ESV)
14  So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided.”

When it comes to providing for our needs, God sees to it.  Paul told the brethren at Philippi as much when he was thanking them for their generous support.

Philippians 4:19 (ESV)
19  And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

This has never stopped being true.  God may not give us everything that we want, but He will provide for every one of our needs.   Notice that Paul did not say that God might supply, or that He could supply; he said that God “will supply.”  However, this is where we must have faith.  Faith puts us in a position to receive God’s provisions.  Think about Abraham.  He was in the right place at the right time.  He was where God told him to be; thus, God provided.

The right place to be today is walking faithfully in Christ.  If you want God to supply your need, make sure you are where you are supposed to be—living faithfully before God, and seeking first His kingdom.  If you do this, God will provide for you because that is just what He does.  His name is Yahweh-Yireh.  He will see to it.

Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
33  But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.