Godly fear is an important characteristic of a Christian.  It does not mean that we are terrified of God, but that we are filled with reverence for Him.  The person who fears God is aware of His greatness and strength and lives accordingly.  Sadly, this world lacks godly fear.  Most people today have the Pharaoh mentality that says, “Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice…?”

Do you fear the Lord?  Most of us would immediately say yes, but we should know that godly fear bears a specific kind of fruit.  Solomon tells us that to fear the Lord is hatred of evil (Proverbs 8:13).

If we really fear God, we will abstain from evil (Romans 12:9).  The person who is in awe of God, will not live an ungodly life that he knows will disappoint Him and bring about His wrath.  Those who fear God are in the habit of pleasing Him by keeping His commandments.  In fact, fearing God and obeying God are inseparable.

Moses said, “That you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son’s son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments…” (Deuteronomy 6:2).  Notice that they were to demonstrate their fear of God by keeping all of His commandments.  The word “all” should not be overlooked.  The one who fears God does not pick and choose which commandments he is going to keep.  He strives to keep all of them because of the reverence he has for the One who gave the commandment.  This is the way true Christians behave.

Disobeying God is always a sign of disrespect; however, when one who claims to know God lives in sin, it is especially troubling.  How could a person who truly believes that God is omnipotent and omniscient willfully refuse to do what He commands?

While God deserves our reverence, it is in our own best interest to fear Him because it is beneficial to do so.  Solomon helps us with this once again.  He writes, “The fear of the Lord prolongs life…” (Proverbs 10:27).  Why?  Because godly fear produces godly living that helps us in the present as well as the future.  Paul said, “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).

When you live by the Word of God, and your life is shaped by a profound reverence for Him, you can avoid many dangers that can shorten your life.  Sin is not only dangerous to the soul, but it can often be bad for the body.  Think of the problems caused by smoking, drinking, or doing drugs.  The one who fears the Lord does not have to worry about the consequences of those things.

Think about the terrible disease called AIDS.  For the most part, it is a disease produced by sin.  The only way to get it is by committing fornication or doing drugs.  Outside of receiving tainted blood by way of a transfusion (e.g., Arthur Ash), those are the only ways to contract the HIV virus that leads to AIDS.  Thus, those who fear the Lord and keep His commandments, virtually have no chance of dying of AIDS.

Living a morally upright life, produced by godly fear, is beneficial to both the body and the soul, and it is a characteristic of every true Christian.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things