How faithful are you to the Word of God?  The immediate response of some would be, “I am very faithful to God’s Word.”  The question is, how do you know you are?  What is involved in being faithful to the Word of God?  Allow me to suggest three things that we must faithfully do to honestly say we are faithful to the Word of God.

  • We must faithfully study the Word of God.

Learning the Word of God takes commitment.  It involves a lifelong endeavor that necessitates many hours of study.  Are you so faithful to the Word of God that you have made learning it a priority in your life?  Do you faithfully put time aside to spend with an open Bible, learning more and more about the precepts of God?  That is what faithfulness to the Word of God looks like.

Many Christians read through the Bible every year.  That is a great practice that helps one to become familiar with God’s Word.  The more you read it, the more it will be implanted in your mind.  Paul once said, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” (Colossians 3:16).  There is only one way to do that—we must read and study the Word of God regularly, and that takes faithful commitment.

  • We must faithfully spread the Word of God.

The next thing being faithful to the Word of God will cause us to do is teach it to as many people as possible.  One of our main endeavors in life should be to spread the Word.  Jesus told His early disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).  Jesus still wants to make His disciples fishers of men.  In what we call the great commission, Jesus gave all disciples their marching orders.  “… Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).  Will we obey these orders or just ignore them?  This is a true test of our faithfulness to the Word of God.

The Word of God was always meant to be taught.  God’s plan of redemption involves individuals hearing and learning of the Father (John 6:44-45).  Our job is to spread the Word of God so that others might have the opportunity to be saved.  Are you committed to that end?  I hope that we all are because that is a part of being, not only faithful to the Word of God, but faithful to God Himself.

  • We must faithfully defend the Word of God

Finally, to be faithful to the Word of God is to be committed to protecting it from all innovations.  God does not want man to tamper with His Word.  Sadly, that is exactly what many have done over the years.  Even in the first century, when the gospel was just beginning to be spread, Paul said, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God…” (2 Corinthians 2:17).  Notice that Paul said that there were many who were corrupting the Word of God.  Through the centuries that number has increased more and more.  Every part of the gospel of Christ has been attacked in one way or another.  It is for this reason that Christians are exhorted to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).  Those who are faithful to the Word of God, are set for the defense of the gospel (Philippians 1:17).

We cannot be faithful to God without being faithful to His Word.  Let us demonstrate that we are by studying it, spreading it, and defending it against all the attacks of man.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.