Posts by Don Wright

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The Lord’s Church (Music #4)

by Don Wright

There have been many attempts to justify using musical instruments in worship.  The first question that will often be asked when confronted with the truth that there is no authority in the Bible for the use of them is, “What about David?”  However, we have seen in this study that we are not under the […]

The Lord’s Church (Music #3)

by Don Wright

In the last few blogs, we have been considering what kind of music God desires from His people today.  There was a time, under the law of Moses, when He commanded His people to play musical instruments.  However, in this dispensation, we do not have such a command.  Today we are simply commanded to sing […]

The Lord’s Church (Music #2)

by Don Wright

In our last blog, I emphasized that the kind of music God desires today is singing.  Specifically, a cappella singing or singing without the accompaniment of musical instruments.  How do I know this is true?  I know it because that is the only kind of music that is authorized by the New Testament, and, as […]

The Lord’s Church (Music #1)

by Don Wright

What kind of music does God desire today?  God has always commanded that His people make music in offering praise to Him, but He has required different kinds of music during various dispensations.  We need to know what He requires today. Because this is such an important topic, seeing that one cannot worship God acceptable […]

The Lord’s Church (Giving)

by Don Wright

One of the things that has never changed about the Lord’s church, nor will it ever change, is that it has financial needs.  The reason for this is that the Lord gave the church work to do that involves evangelism, benevolence, and edification, and that work needs to be financed.  So, the question is, how […]

The Lord’s Church (The First Day of the Week)

by Don Wright

Sunday, the first day of the week, is a special day for Christians.  It is the Lord’s Day and is the day that the first-century church was commanded to gather to worship God.  It is called the Lord’s Day because it was the day that Jesus rose from the dead (Mark 16:1-8), the day the […]

The Lord’s Church (Worship)

by Don Wright

Most religious people believe that man can worship God just about however he wants.  It seems people think that God is so thrilled to be worshiped that it does not matter how one does it.  Such thinking could not be further from the truth. John 4:24 (ESV) 24 God is spirit, and those who worship […]

The Lord’s Church (Evangelistic Oversight)

by Don Wright

We have looked at elders and deacons in the Lord’s church but what about an evangelist?  Does not an evangelist occupy an office in the church?  The answer is no. There is no office of an evangelist in the local church.  The term evangelist refers to a work, not an office in the church.  Paul […]

The Lord’s Church (Wearing Religious Titles)

by Don Wright

Every church should want to look like the one we read about in the New Testament.  One area where this needs to be examined is the organizational structure of the local church.  In faithful churches of Christ, elders, deacons, and saints make up local churches just like you find in the Bible.  You see elders […]

The Lord’s Church (Distinction Between Elders and Preachers)

by Don Wright

One of the biggest misunderstandings about elders is thinking that the pastor and preacher are the same.  As a result, I am often called a pastor by denominational people before I correct them.  In the denominational realm, the one who does all the preaching is the pastor.  In the New Testament, there is a distinction […]