Posts by Don Wright

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The Lord’s Church (Distinction Between Elders and Deacons)

by Don Wright

We have seen the simplicity of the organization of the local church.  It is made up of elders, deacons, and saints (Philippians 1:1).  The only exception to this is when a local church does not have men who qualify to be elders or deacons. We must realize that there is a distinction between elders and […]

The Lord’s Church (Deacons)

by Don Wright

We have seen that the New Testament church (in the local sense) is made up of elders, deacons, and saints (Philippians 1:1).  While being an elder is the most important role one can have in a local church, being a deacon is an honorable role as well. 1 Timothy 3:13 (ESV) 13 For those who […]

The Lord’s Church (Elders: Qualifying Men)

by Don Wright

The denominational world has a great misunderstanding of elders in the Lord’s church.  I indicated in last night’s blog that in the New Testament, there was always a plurality of elders in local churches that had them (Acts 14:23; 17:20, etc.).  These elders only had authority over the flock that was among them (1 Peter […]

The Lord’s Church (Its Organization)

by Don Wright

In Acts 11:30, we read of elders in the church for the first time.  When a famine hit all over the world, the brethren in Judea were especially devastated by it, and brethren determined to send relief to them.  They sent that relief to the elders of local churches (Acts 11:27-30). While we have just […]

Anti-LGBT: What Does it Really Mean?

by Don Wright

The liberal media loves to use the terms anti-LGBTQ and anti-gay.  They love the term “anti” because of the negative connotations it gives, nothing new to those of us who are conservative Christians.  It is not just the media though.  All pro-homosexual advocates label those of us who oppose such a lifestyle as being anti-something.  […]

The Lord’s Church (The Conversion Felt Around the World)

by Don Wright

In Acts 9, we have the first record of the conversion of Saul.  Saul of Tarsus ultimately became Paul, the apostle, the most influential Christian of all time.  While the conversion of Paul was not complete until he was baptized into Christ in the city of Damascus (Acts 9:17-19), the process began when he met […]

The Lord’s Church (Baptism)

by Don Wright

Today, the majority of so-called religious leaders, those who have the most influence over churches associated with the 16th-century Protestant Movement, teach that man is saved by faith alone.  This leads most denominational churches to reject the necessity of baptism.  Any suggestion that one has to be baptized to be saved becomes a major controversy. […]

The Lord’s Church (Solving a Problem)

by Don Wright

Someone once said that the church would be perfect if it wasn’t for people.  The problem is the church is made up of people.  So, without people, you would not have a perfect church, you would have no church at all.  The statement does imply this truth—every problem that arises in the church is a […]

The Lord’s Church (The Miraculous Age)

by Don Wright

Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, He told the apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait to be clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4).  The power that Jesus was referring to was the baptismal measure of the Holy Spirit.  Receiving this power, gave the apostles the ability to be witnesses for […]

Let Us

by Don Wright

As Christians, there are some things that we must do for ourselves.  Paul once said, “For every man shall bear his own burden” (Galatians 6:5).  We took on certain obligations and responsibilities when we obeyed the gospel, and we alone can meet them. This being said, most of the commandments that we receive from God […]