Posts by Don Wright

201210 of 1861 items

The Passage Does Not Say That (David Was Born a Sinner)

by Don Wright

Calvinism is the false doctrine that teaches, among other things, that we inherit Adam’s sin and are, therefore, born sinners. One of their proof texts is Psalm 51:5 which they say teaches clearly that David was born a sinner. The problem for them is the passage does not say that. Here is what the passage […]

The Passage Does Not Say That (Baptism Is Not Necessary for Salvation)

by Don Wright

Paul once emphasized the importance of rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).  Failing to do this usually results in someone believing and teaching that a passage says something it does not say, leading one down the path of doctrinal error.  Sadly, this happens a lot in the religious world.  This week I […]

The God We Serve (He Is Love)

by Don Wright

This week, we have taken a brief look at some of the main characteristics of God.  God is great, righteous, merciful, and patient.  While this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of God’s characteristics, it would still be remiss of me not to include love in the week-long discussion about Him. After all, […]

The God We Serve (He Is Patient)

by Don Wright

It is hard to understand how God puts up with us sometimes.  Mankind is a moral mess, and it is not God’s fault.  He created us upright (Ecclesiastes 7:29), with the ability to make the right choices in life (Genesis 1:26).  This is why Joshua said to the Israelites, “Choose this day whom you will […]

The God We Serve (He Is Merciful)

by Don Wright

It is important that we see all sides of God. We saw in our last blog that He is righteous. That means that He is just and fair in everything that He does, and it assures us that we will be treated fairly on the day of judgment, as well as in all His dealings […]

The God We Serve (He Is Righteous)

by Don Wright

We can take great comfort in knowing that our God is righteousness.  The word righteous is used in three ways in the Bible.  It refers to the justification that is imputed to us by our obedient faith (Romans 1:17; 3:21-22), the sum total of all that God commands us to do (1 John 2:29; 3:7), […]

The God We Serve (He Is Great)

by Don Wright

We should know the God that we serve.  It is good for us to contemplate the characteristics that make God Who He is.  Let us do that together this week as we wind down at the close of each day. The God we serve is great in ways we cannot even comprehend.  Paul once wrote […]

Getting Out of God’s Way (By Being Courageous)

by Don Wright

The world around us is harsh and overtaken by sin.  As a result, we face being ridiculed and rudely treated by the world.  We face being cursed, questioned, and abused by the people of this world.  This should not surprise us, seeing that the scriptures warn us about how the world would feel about us. […]

Getting Out of God’s Way (By Relying on God for Salvation)

by Don Wright

Theoretically, a person can save himself.  Why do I say that?  Because sin is not something we have to do, nor is it a state of being we are born into as Calvinism teaches.  Ecclesiastes 7:29 tells us that God created man upright.  He also created us with free will.  The Bible tells us that […]

Getting Out of God’s Way (By Being Willing to Work in His Kingdom)

by Don Wright

Being a Christian is not for the lazy.  Pleasing God involves work; not meritorious work, but work nevertheless. Philippians 2:12 (ESV) 12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, Jesus knows […]