Posts by Don Wright

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Preaching the Gospel

by Don Wright

Jesus told His original disciples that He was going to make them fishers of men.  That has always been the purpose for those called by the gospel.  Preaching the gospel is one of our primary responsibilities as Christians.  If we want to please God, we have to do His will, and preaching the gospel is […]

One Church

by Don Wright

There are thousands of denominations in the world, all of whom claim to be following the same Lord and living by the same Bible. The problem is they wear different names, teach different doctrines, and practice different works. People in the world are turned off by this and often reject God because of it. It […]

Peace with God

by Don Wright

Peace is a long sought-after state of being.  Everyone loves and yearns for peace.  In Christ, we are afforded the highest kind of peace—peace with God. Romans 5:1 (ESV) 1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The word justification means, “to render just […]

Are You Using Your Talents?

by Don Wright

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus told of a man who took his one talent and buried it in the ground (vers. 24-25).  As a result, his master called him wicked and slothful.  Obviously, that is not what we should do with our talents.  Our Master, that is, God, wants us to […]

Great Examples of Faith (Moses)

by Don Wright

Faith may not be the first characteristic that you think about when considering Moses, but he was definitely a man of great faith.  As such, he serves as a great example for us to follow.  Consider the words of the Hebrews writer. Hebrews 11:24–26 (ESV) 24 By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused […]

Great Examples of Faith (Abraham)

by Don Wright

This week we have been winding down by looking at great examples of faith found in the book of Hebrews.  We have looked at the righteousness of Abel, the trust of Enoch, and the obedience of Noah.  Tonight, we want to look at the sacrificial faith of Abraham. Any series of lessons emphasizing faith would […]

Great Examples of Faith (Noah)

by Don Wright

Noah had a remarkable faith that saved his life from the destruction of the flood and saved his soul from a devil’s hell.  His faith saved him because it was an obedient faith.  Saving faith always does the same thing when it comes to commandments given by God.  It obeys, and that is what Noah […]

Great Examples of Faith (Enoch)

by Don Wright

What kind of faith do you have?  We all know that we are saved by faith, but what many do not understand is that not all faith saves.  The Bible refers to many different degrees of faith.  For example, it speaks of both strong and weak faith.  It tells us about those who are almost […]

Great Examples of Faith (Abel)

by Don Wright

Without faith, we can have no relationship with God.  The Hebrews writer put it like this: Hebrews 11:6 (ESV) 6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. There is no pleasing God without […]

Our Parent’s Religion

by Don Wright

It is a great blessing to have parents who are true Christians.  By true Christians, I mean parents who have first, obeyed the gospel by doing what the Bible commands (Hearing—John 6:44-45, Believing—Mark 16:16, Repenting—Acts 17:30, Confessing—Romans 10:9-10, and being Baptized—Acts 2:38), and second, are truly living by the Word of God and teaching their […]