Posts by Don Wright

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How Much Do You Love Jesus?

by Don Wright

Jesus once asked Peter if he loved Him.  In fact, He asked him three times in a row (John 21:15-17).  A lot was going on in this conversation between Jesus and Peter.  Asking Peter if he loved Him three times, corresponded with the three denials of Christ by Peter.  At that time, Peter was overconfident […]

The Conversions at Samaria

by Don Wright

In Acts 8, we find a man named Simon who practiced magic.  He so amazed the people with his tricks that they thought he possessed the great power of God (ver.9).  This, however, was before Philip came to town with the real power of God at his disposal.  While the Samaritans were astonished by what […]

Avoiding Contentment in Christ

by Don Wright

There are some areas where we need to learn to be content.  When it comes to the physical things of life, Paul stressed the importance of being content by giving himself as an example. Philippians 4:11–12 (ESV) 11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I […]


by Don Wright

Describing the spiritual armor of God, Paul refers to the “helmet of salvation.”  The helmet protects the head; thus, the spiritual helmet protects the mind.  Putting on a helmet of salvation implies filling our minds with thoughts of heaven.  This is something that we all should do regularly. What kind of place will heaven be?  […]

Following the Instruction of God

by Don Wright

Have you ever purchased something that you had to assemble yourself and failed to follow the instructions properly?  That has happened a time or two to most of us.  It is usually not a problem to fix, but it is frustrating and time-consuming. When it comes to God’s plan of salvation, it is imperative that […]

The Blessedness of Giving

by Don Wright

We live in a world that is somewhat selfish. While there are many people that do a lot of giving and sharing, the overall mentality of the world is to put self first and then worry about others. The “me-first” mentality is very pervasive in our society, and it has an impact on how people […]

Acceptable Sin

by Don Wright

Sin personified is man’s greatest enemy. It is the only thing in the world that can separate a person from God and cause him or her to spend eternity in a devil’s hell. There is nothing more dangerous, destructive, and devastating than sin. As Christians, one of the primary aims of our lives should be […]

Looking Ahead to Glory

by Don Wright

It is easy to get down in life. This world is such a mess that it can fill us with sadness and depressing thoughts when we focus too much on the negative things in life. Just watching the evening news these days can lead to a melancholy mindset. We do, however, have an advantage as Christians. No […]

“Be Ye Steadfast”

by Don Wright

1 Corinthians 15 is one of the great chapters in God’s Word. It deals with a foundational subject for those of us who are Christians, that is, the resurrection from the dead. Some of the saints in the church at Corinth were denying the resurrection, making Paul spend quite a bit of time and space […]

The “Gender Equality” Movement within the Church

by Don Wright

There is now a website called “Where the Spirit Leads”  that is not only pushing that women should be in leadership roles in the church, but also equates churches that don’t agree with them as being male chauvinistic in nature and that are full of men who are little better than slave owners.    The site […]