Posts by Don Wright

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Judging According to Appearance (Improper Judging)

by Don Wright

Most people do not know what the Bible teaches about judging others.  It is the belief of those who know very little about the Bible, or, perhaps, nothing at all, to conclude that we are never to judge others.  Their conclusion is based upon what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, which most of them have […]

The Lordship of Christ

by Don Wright

In Acts 2, after the resurrection of Christ, we have the first gospel sermon preached by Peter.  The theme of this sermon was Jesus and His resurrection from the dead.  God, Peter tells us, has raised Him up and made Him both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:29-36).  Not only did God raise Jesus up from […]

Where Do Your Treasures Lie?

by Don Wright

“Who or what owns your heart?” Is it the world?  Do the material things on earth own your heart, or does God own your heart?  Those are the kinds of questions that Jesus wants us to ask ourselves from time to time.  Who or what owns our hearts can be determined by what we truly […]

The Faith of Enoch

by Don Wright

What kind of faith do you have?  This is an incredibly significant question.  The kind of faith that we have will determine where we spend eternity.  As the Hebrews writer says, without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Faith cannot be faked.  Certain characteristics are always shown by saving faith.  One such […]

What Was the Penalty of Sin?

by Don Wright

Sin comes with a high price.  The price that had to be paid for sin was so high that it was too high for man to pay.  This is why we needed a Savior. Jesus came to this world to do what we could not do—pay the penalty for sin.  What was that penalty?  I […]

What Are You Holding Back?

by Don Wright

A young man once asked Jesus what he had to do to have eternal life.  Jesus told him to keep the commandments (Matthew 19:17).  He said, “All these I have kept.  What do I still lack?”  He did not like our Lord’s response.  Jesus said, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess […]

Praising God Always

by Don Wright

There are some things that we should do all the time.  There are too many areas where we are inconsistent as Christians.  I know that is a weakness that I am constantly trying to correct in my life.  The Bible is full of passages that encourage us to be steadfast (John 15:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:58).  […]

Thinking That Pleases God

by Don Wright

Too many children of God are not careful enough when it comes to their thought life.  We must remember that we can displease God by wrongful thinking just like we can by wrongful living.  Paul reminds us of the importance of thinking about the proper things. Philippians 4:8 (NKJV) 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are […]

The Personal Righteousness of Christ Imputed—True or False?

by Don Wright

In last night’s blog, I showed that the popular doctrine of our Lord’s personal righteousness being imputed is false.  The only thing that is imputed to a person who believes and obeys the gospel is a state of no condemnation (Romans 8:1).  Paul, by quoting David, referred to this as the blessed state where lawless […]

Biblical Hope

by Don Wright

I have often pointed out that living the life of a Christian is not always an easy task.  We are always endangered by the assaults of Satan.  Peter said, “…the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  Furthermore, we are always under the pressure of giving in […]