
110 of 306 items

Not Under Bondage

by Don Wright

In Matthew 19:6 Jesus clearly taught that marriage is to be forever.  In ver. 9 of the same chapter, Jesus shows how seriously marriage is to be taken when He said, “…Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put […]

Stop and Consider

by Don Wright

Sometimes we need to stop and consider things, especially things that pertain to God.  Let us take a few minutes to consider some things revealed to us by God’s Word. Consider the Wondrous Works of God “Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14).  How one could […]

Being Honest with Yourself

by Don Wright

Honesty is a divine criterion for the Christian.  The Bible says, “Let us walk honestly, as in the day…” (Romans 13:13).  To be honest is to be free from fraud or deception and marked by integrity (Webster).  The opposite of being honest would be to be a liar, something that will be punished by eternal […]

Privileges and Responsibilities

by Don Wright

Being a Christian is both a privilege and a responsibility (Hebrews 10:19-25).  Let’s observe some of the inspired thoughts of the Hebrews writer in this text. Privileges “Having therefore, brethren…” (ver. 19). When one obeys the gospel of Christ, he becomes a part of the greatest family in the world.  A family that has God […]

Dressing Modestly for Worship Services

by Don Wright

Our country is getting more immodest all the time.  Men are just as guilty as women these days, still, it amazes me what many women are wearing.  Skirts or shorts are worn that, not only do not cover the entirety of the thigh but do not cover any of the thigh at all.  The question, […]

“See Ya When I See Ya”

by Don Wright

This is what friends sometimes say to each other when they go their separate ways and are not quite sure when they will be in each other’s company again.  Sadly, there are many members of the body of Christ who we could say that to when they leave worship services.  This should not be the […]

What the Bible Says about Antichrist

by Don Wright

Premillennialism is the doctrine that teaches the return of Christ to earth to set up an earthly, theocratic kingdom in which He will reign for a thousand years, sitting on the throne of David.  The many facets of premillennialism are complex and sometimes hard to follow.   Their most popular doctrines center around a supposed rapture […]

Tolerance or Patience (Is There a Difference?)

by Don Wright

Article by Jimmy Fields Patience: The ability to endure challenges or delays without becoming upset, staying calm, and enduring uncomplainingly various forms of suffering, wrongs, and evils with which we meet. Tolerance: The ability or willingness to tolerate something, particularly the existence of opinions or behavior with which one does not necessarily agree. Let us […]

The Danger of Ignorance?

by Don Wright

Ignorance is defined as “The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language).  While some believe that ignorance is bliss, the fact is it is very dangerous, especially as far as the soul is concerned.  Paul made it clear that God does not excuse ignorance. Acts 17:30 (ESV) […]

Was the Church that Christ Built a Denomination?

by Don Wright

The New Testament church can be identified in the scriptures.  One should be able to open up the New Testament and find the church which Christ built therein.  Furthermore, all who claim allegiance to Christ should be able to compare the church to which they belong with the one in the Bible and see a […]