
1120 of 301 items

What Is Wrong with It?

by Don Wright

To many people, there is a blurred line between right and wrong.  What is right and wrong is determined by feelings and other subjective standards, making the identification of things right and wrong nearly, if not altogether, impossible.  Many religious beliefs and unauthorized practices occur because churches do what “feels” right instead of what is […]

Scriptural Giving

by Don Wright

The power of God unto salvation is the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16).  Sadly, the gospel can be preached so as not to allow its converting power to take effect.  How can a preacher preach in such a way that will most likely not convert anyone?  Let us look at a few suggestions. Preaching that […]

Preaching That Will Not Convert

by Don Wright

The power of God unto salvation is the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16).  Sadly, the gospel can be preached so as not to allow its converting power to take effect.  How can a preacher preach in such a way that will most likely not convert anyone?  Let us look at a few suggestions. Preaching that […]

“Speak Where the Bible Speaks”

by Don Wright

Lately, it seems as if many ultra-liberal thinkers in religious matters have attacked the slogan, “Speak where the Bible speaks, and remain silent where the Bible is silent.”  One man said about the above statement, “Though well-intentioned, this slogan has caused many to view the New Testament writings through legalistic lenses…” I might say in […]

How We Can Oppose Ourselves

by Don Wright

In the eighteenth chapter of the book of Acts, we find Paul preaching the gospel to the citizens of Corinth.  While Paul had some success at Corinth, establishing a local church at that location, some rejected the gospel.  In Acts 18:6, Luke refers to those who rejected Paul’s inspired words in an interesting way.  He […]

The Importance of Self-Assessment

by Don Wright

Regardless of what we do in life, how hard we serve God, or how many good works we amass, we cannot earn our way to heaven.  If there is something that we can all agree on, it is this—“we are saved by grace.”  As a result of this fact, we have no right to boast […]

Anti-LGBT: What Does it Really Mean?

by Don Wright

The liberal media loves to use the terms anti-LGBTQ and anti-gay.  They love the term “anti” because of the negative connotations it gives, nothing new to those of us who are conservative Christians.  It is not just the media though.  All pro-homosexual advocates label those of us who oppose such a lifestyle as being anti-something.  […]

Let Us

by Don Wright

As Christians, there are some things that we must do for ourselves.  Paul once said, “For every man shall bear his own burden” (Galatians 6:5).  We took on certain obligations and responsibilities when we obeyed the gospel, and we alone can meet them. This being said, most of the commandments that we receive from God […]

Living Free from Sin

by Don Wright

Don’t misunderstand the title of this article.  It is not meant to suggest that some of us live completely apart from sin.  The truth is, we all sin from time to time.  John wrote, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8).” […]

Is Having Faith Enough to Be Saved?

by Don Wright

Growing up, before someone led me to search the scriptures more carefully, I thought that as long as I believed in Jesus, heaven was where I would end up after I died.  Sadly, there are still many people who believe this to be true.  They assume that living life by the will of God does […]