
2130 of 306 items

The Importance of Self-Assessment

by Don Wright

Regardless of what we do in life, how hard we serve God, or how many good works we amass, we cannot earn our way to heaven.  If there is something that we can all agree on, it is this—“we are saved by grace.”  As a result of this fact, we have no right to boast […]

Anti-LGBT: What Does it Really Mean?

by Don Wright

The liberal media loves to use the terms anti-LGBTQ and anti-gay.  They love the term “anti” because of the negative connotations it gives, nothing new to those of us who are conservative Christians.  It is not just the media though.  All pro-homosexual advocates label those of us who oppose such a lifestyle as being anti-something.  […]

Let Us

by Don Wright

As Christians, there are some things that we must do for ourselves.  Paul once said, “For every man shall bear his own burden” (Galatians 6:5).  We took on certain obligations and responsibilities when we obeyed the gospel, and we alone can meet them. This being said, most of the commandments that we receive from God […]

Living Free from Sin

by Don Wright

Don’t misunderstand the title of this article.  It is not meant to suggest that some of us live completely apart from sin.  The truth is, we all sin from time to time.  John wrote, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8).” […]

Is Having Faith Enough to Be Saved?

by Don Wright

Growing up, before someone led me to search the scriptures more carefully, I thought that as long as I believed in Jesus, heaven was where I would end up after I died.  Sadly, there are still many people who believe this to be true.  They assume that living life by the will of God does […]

Now Is the Favorable Time

by Don Wright

Procrastination is a problem that plagues us all from time to time.  However, with some people, procrastination becomes a deterrent to success in both the physical and the spiritual realm.  It is one thing to put off doing something that has little significance in one’s life, but it is something else altogether when one puts […]

Why You Should or Should Not Leave a Local Church?

by Don Wright

The local church is an arrangement set up by God.  As we look at the church in the New Testament, we find that Christians joined themselves to local churches after obeying the gospel.  The local church is made up of saints who work together in a specific geographical area.  Each local church is completely autonomous, […]

Is Fidelity Important?

by Don Wright

The traditional vows that are taken when one enters the holy estate of matrimony usually involve the vow “till death do us part…”  That is a vow that is founded upon the word of God.  In reference to marriage, Jesus said, “…What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).  In […]

Non-Judgmental Preaching

by Don Wright

In July of 2005, the Lakewood Church in Houston Texas moved into the former Compaq Center, the old home of the Houston Rockets of the NBA, remodeled to be their new place of worship.  The Lakewood Church was, at that time, the largest one in America, averaging around 40,000 people a week in attendance.  The […]

Church Cooperation in Evangelism

by Don Wright

There is a common misconception in our society that says the end justifies the means.  This concept has been glorified over the years by the popular movie “Robin Hood.”  Robin Hood is a story in which a man and his companions steal from the rich and give to the poor.  The message is that stealing […]