
3140 of 301 items

Have You Been Scripturally Baptized?

by Don Wright

The controversy over baptism should be no controversy at all. The only reason there is controversy over this important subject is because there are too many people listening to man instead of the inspired Word of God. God’s Word is clear. Baptism is essential. The purpose of baptism is to have one’s sins forgiven (Acts […]

The “Gender Equality” Movement within the Church

by Don Wright

There is now a website called “Where the Spirit Leads”  that is not only pushing that women should be in leadership roles in the church, but also equates churches that don’t agree with them as being male chauvinistic in nature and that are full of men who are little better than slave owners.    The site […]

Biblical Hope

by Don Wright

I have often pointed out that living the life of a Christian is not always an easy task.  We are always endangered by the assaults of Satan.  Peter said, “…the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  Furthermore, we are always under the pressure of giving in […]

How Are You Standing?

by Don Wright

Where do you stand?  It is important to stand in proper places with proper posture.  You probably know that I am not talking about how and where you stand physically.  That is not usually all that significant.  However, where are you standing spiritually?  Let us see what the Bible says about where we should be […]

Where Are Christians Found?

by Don Wright

Many people believe that Christians can be found in every denomination.  There are even members of the body of Christ who think that every denomination has at least a few Christians in it.  Is this true?  When we stop to consider what a Christian is, it will be seen that the only place where true […]

Are You a Liar?

by Don Wright

Sometimes we tend to categorize sin.  Fornication, adultery, stealing and the like, we consider to be very serious.  However, sins such as lying are dismissed with little thought.  The fact is God abhors all sin (Psalms 5:4-5), and lying is no exemption.  It was that form of sin that Satan used to entice Eve in […]

Do You Ever Take Things for Granted?

by Don Wright

Reminiscing is something we all do from time to time.  I sometimes remember that Whitney, even when she was as old as twenty-five, loved to climb into our bed when Janice and I were watching TV and watch it with us.  The problem was she would usually do it late at night when I was […]

How Will We Be Found by Christ

by Don Wright

It took twisted minds and unjust judgment to crucify the Son of God.  On the day of Pentecost, as Peter spoke to a massive crowd of Israelites, gathered at Jerusalem for the annual feast, he proclaimed, “Ye men of Israel hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles […]

Helping My Brother

by Don Wright

We need one another in Christ.  We should not be islands unto ourselves as Christians, especially those of us who have agreed to work together in a local church.  We should not travel through life alone for we are members of the greatest family in the world, that is, the family of God (Ephesians 3:14, […]

God’s Mirror

by Don Wright

The art of listening has long since been lost in most circles. Being able, or should I say, to be willing to listen is very valuable because by listening we can learn much from others.  However, sometimes we do not listen like we should because we would rather be the one doing the talking.  We […]