
3140 of 306 items

How Is Justification Attained?

by Don Wright

The word justified means to declare one to be just, righteous, or not guilty.  There are two ways for one to be justified in the eyes of God.  First, if one lives a perfect life apart from sin, God would view this person as just.  However, no one, except our Lord Jesus Christ, has ever […]

Preaching without Offending

by Don Wright

  In July of 2005, the Lakewood Church in Houston Texas moved into the former Compaq Center, the old home of the NBA’s Houston Rockets, remodeled to be their new place of worship.  The Lakewood Church was at that time the largest in America, averaging around 40,000 people a week in attendance.  The leader of […]

Our Parent’s Religion

by Don Wright

It is a great blessing to have parents who are true Christians.  By true Christians, I mean parents who have first, obeyed the gospel by doing what the Bible commands (Hearing—John 6:44-45, Believing—Mark 16:16, Repenting—Acts 17:30, Confessing—Romans 10:9-10, and being Baptized—Acts 2:38), and second, are truly living by the Word of God and teaching their […]

Liberating Themselves into Bondage

by Don Wright

I recently heard of some local churches of Christ who have decided to use musical instruments in their worship services.  A member of one of these congregations said that they were “liberating themselves.”  I am not quite sure what that means exactly, but I imagine they feel like the restrictions placed on them by the […]

Beware of False Teachers

by Don Wright

False teachers are not always readily recognized because they are usually in disguise.  Jesus’ admonition to beware of false prophets is a serious one (Matthew 7:15).  There are many false prophets in the world today.  At first glance, they appear to be men of God and ministers of Christ, but in reality, they are doing […]

Have You Been Scripturally Baptized?

by Don Wright

The controversy over baptism should be no controversy at all. The only reason there is controversy over this important subject is because there are too many people listening to man instead of the inspired Word of God. God’s Word is clear. Baptism is essential. The purpose of baptism is to have one’s sins forgiven (Acts […]

The “Gender Equality” Movement within the Church

by Don Wright

There is now a website called “Where the Spirit Leads”  that is not only pushing that women should be in leadership roles in the church, but also equates churches that don’t agree with them as being male chauvinistic in nature and that are full of men who are little better than slave owners.    The site […]

Biblical Hope

by Don Wright

I have often pointed out that living the life of a Christian is not always an easy task.  We are always endangered by the assaults of Satan.  Peter said, “…the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  Furthermore, we are always under the pressure of giving in […]

How Are You Standing?

by Don Wright

Where do you stand?  It is important to stand in proper places with proper posture.  You probably know that I am not talking about how and where you stand physically.  That is not usually all that significant.  However, where are you standing spiritually?  Let us see what the Bible says about where we should be […]

Where Are Christians Found?

by Don Wright

Many people believe that Christians can be found in every denomination.  There are even members of the body of Christ who think that every denomination has at least a few Christians in it.  Is this true?  When we stop to consider what a Christian is, it will be seen that the only place where true […]