
6170 of 298 items

Should Christians Smoke Cigarettes?

by Don Wright

The straightforward answer to the question above is no.  I doubt anyone would say that cigarette smoking is a good thing.  Yet many members of the church smoke.  Have we forgotten the Bible principle of abstaining from every appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22)?   Since little argument can be made against the fact that there […]

Are You a Genuine Christian?

by Don Wright

I have often pointed out that there is a difference between being a child of God and being a Christian.  As strange as it might sound, not all who are God’s children are Christians, although one must be in God’s family to be a Christian.  To enter God’s family one must obey the gospel of […]

What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?

by Don Wright

What is your soul worth to you? Is it worth the riches and wonders of this world? Would you consider exchanging your soul for the power, popularity, and prestige that might be obtained in this world? Most people that have a religious interest would say no to this question; yet, this is what many in […]

Characteristics of a Child

by Don Wright

There are those who teach that we are born in sin.  We have, they say, inherited the corrupt nature of Adam.  The Bible does not teach such a thing. There are many places we could turn to in the word of God to show that children are not born sinners.    However, one of the best […]

What If Everyone in the Local Church Was Just Like You?

by Don Wright

People make up local churches.  Thus, the stronger the individual Christians are who make up a particular local church, the stronger that church is.  What if everyone in the local church was just like you?  Would it be a church that is strong or weak?  Would it be a church that is pleasing or displeasing […]

Christ Is Our…

by Don Wright

Have you ever thought about what Christ means to you?  From time to time we should reflect on what we have because of what Jesus was willing to give up for us.  As Paul said, “…he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).  In what way are we rich […]

How Is Your Attendance?

by Don Wright

We say that we are  opposed denominationalism, but we sometimes do not understand exactly what a denomination is.  In secular circles, a denomination is “a large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language).  I […]

What Is a Denomination

by Don Wright

We say that we are  opposed denominationalism, but we sometimes do not understand exactly what a denomination is.  In secular circles, a denomination is “a large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language).  I […]

The Social Gospel

by Don Wright

God once warned his people not to follow a multitude to do evil (Exodus 23:2).  This admonition would certainly apply to the practices of the social gospel.  The social gospel is the practice of mixing the gospel with fun and frolic, entertainment and recreation, and other social attractions to better draw people to Christ.   Today, […]

Considering Ourselves

by Don Wright

Regardless of what we do in life or how hard and rigorously we serve God; regardless of how many good works we amass, we cannot earn our way to heaven.  If there is something that we can all agree on, it is that we are saved by grace.  As a result, we have no right […]