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Doing the Devil’s Will (Forsaking the Assembling of the Saints)

by Don Wright

Satan wants all Christians to forsake the assembling of the saints as often as possible.  Why?  Because he knows that God does not want us to, having commanded us not to do it. Hebrews 10:25 (ESV) 25  Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the […]

Doing the Devil’s Will (Being Lukewarm)

by Don Wright

The devil, no doubt, is a good Bible student.  His success depends on him getting us to, in some way, violate the will of God. To accomplish this, he has to know the will of God, something that can only be found in the Word of God. A part of this Word includes letters from […]

Doing the Devil’s Will (Neglecting to Study the Bible)

by Don Wright

The devil’s desire for us to neglect God’s Word.  He not only wants us to neglect doing it, resulting in disobedience, but he wants us to neglect to study it.  Why?  Because he knows the power of God’s Word.  He understands that it is the primary source of faith. Romans 10:17 (ESV) 17 So faith […]

Doing the Devil’s Will (Not Obeying God)

by Don Wright

Satan’s ultimate goal is to get as many people as possible to neglect obeying God.  He knows that only those who obey God will make it to heaven.  Everybody else will be with him in a place called hell prepared for him and his angels (Matthew 25:41). The importance of obeying God is seen in […]

Is a Miracle Needed to Be Saved?

by Don Wright

R.C. Sproul, a very popular preacher and teacher among Evangelicals and a renowned theologian among denominational scholars, wrote this in one of his commentaries: “In order to embrace the things of God—spiritual things—a new birth is required, a birth wrought in our souls by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit” (R.C. Sproul, St. Andrew’s […]

Never Compromise

by Don Wright

Being willing to compromise is sometimes good.  Many marriages have been ruined because one or both spouses involved have not been willing to compromise in the relationship.  It is a childish attitude that says, “I have to have everything my way.”  All healthy relationships include a willingness to compromise once in a while. Having said […]

Have You Been Accepted by God?

by Don Wright

On the first Pentecost after the ascension of our Savior, the gospel was preached by Peter (Acts 2:14-36).  About three thousand souls were saved and added to the church on that day (Acts 2:41-47), and the promise that Jesus made to Peter on the coast of Caesarea Philippi began to be fulfilled (Matthew 16:18).  The […]

How Religiously Productive Are You?

by Don Wright

Some give religion a bad name.  They speak of it negatively, contrasting it with being a true Christian and loving the Lord.  While it is true one can be religious without loving the Lord, being religious does not have to be viewed as something bad.  Religion has to do with the service and worship of […]

The “Heart” of Salvation

by Don Wright

Do you want to go to heaven?  I think I know the answer to that question.  The answer is probably the same for everyone reading this blog tonight.  We all want to be saved and spend eternity with God and all the saints.  The question is how do we turn this hope into reality?  What […]

Having the Pilgrim’s Mentality (Holy Living)

by Don Wright

There is one thing that everyone who has the pilgrim’s mentality shares in common…they live holy lives.  Since those who view themselves as pilgrims realize that this life is temporary and they have heaven as their primary goal in life, they do everything they can to reach that goal, especially living a life that is […]