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Trusting God

by Don Wright

Hezekiah was one of the few good kings we read about in the Old Testament.  Most of us know that the people of God failed miserably under the first covenant.  The Jews were influenced by the heathen nations that remained in the land of promise and they went after other gods over and over again.  […]

There Is More Than the Hope of Heaven

by Don Wright

The return of Jesus to get His saints is a foundational aspect of Christianity.  We call this the Lord’s “second coming.”  As Christians, we look forward to this every day (1 Peter 1:13).  At that time living Christians will be caught up in the clouds, along with the dead in Christ, to meet the Lord […]

Pros and Cons of Spiritual Repetition

by Don Wright

Religion is filled with repetition.  Everything from praying to preaching involves saying and doing some things over and over again.  In our worship services, we do the same things every week without fail.  Is this repetition good or bad?  The answer is that it is what we make it to be. What are some of […]

A Time to Be Thankful (For God)

by Don Wright

We have thought all this week about things for which we are thankful.  Looking at it from a big-picture perspective, all the things for which we are thankful come from God; thus, we should be thankful for God Himself. Are you thankful that we serve a God who is loving and benevolent?  We should all […]

A Time to Be Thankful (The Gospel)

by Don Wright

What is the gospel?  The gospel of Christ is a message.  It is a message of faith, hope, and love.  It is a message of facts—the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  It is a message of commands and instructions—all New Testament teaching.  The gospel is God’s plan of salvation and the means by which […]

A Time to Be Thankful (The Bible)

by Don Wright

We are emphasizing being thankful this week.  The list of things for which we should be thankful to God is long, but one thing we most certainly should always be thankful for is the Word of God.  God’s Word comes to us today through the book we call the Bible.  What a blessing it is […]

A Time to Be Thankful (Peace)

by Don Wright

There is much for which we should all be thankful.  Man tends to be thankful for the important things in life but takes for granted the little things.  We should realize that it is the accumulation of the little things that results in an overall joyful life.  I should note that the little things in […]

A Time to Be Thankful (Family)

by Don Wright

This time of year, most people reflect upon things for which they are thankful.  While we should be thankful for many things every day, there is no harm in openly expressing our thankfulness during a certain time of year, as long as it is not the only time we are thankful. Our thanksgiving should always […]

The Amazing Grace of God

by Don Wright

I cannot think of a more comforting thought to fill our minds with as we wind down for the night than the grace of God.  There are not too many subjects in the entire Bible that are more significant than grace.  The practical definition of grace is, “God’s unmerited favor.”  That is a good description […]

What Does It Mean to Walk after the Flesh?

by Don Wright

There are too many who call themselves Christians but think they can live any way they want to without consequences.  There is even a false theory called “Calvinism” that teaches that there is no eternal consequence for living in sin, which is to say that there is really no consequence at all.  The Bible, however, […]