
191200 of 1387 items

A Most Comforting Doctrine—Justification

by Don Wright

The Bible is a book full of important words.  In fact, every word in the original text was put there by God, for all scripture is given by inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16).  The very words that the inspired writers used were chosen by the Spirit of God.  Paul made this clear when he wrote to […]

Are You an Enemy of the Cross?

by Don Wright

A sad but amazing truth emerges in Philippians 3:18.  Paul admonishes the good brethren at Philippi to be aware of those who walk as enemies of the cross.  It appears, though it is not specifically stated, that Paul was referring to brethren who had gone astray.  Nevertheless, some were walking in such a way that […]

Do You Know What the Devil Knows?

by Don Wright

The Bible tells us many things about the devil.  He is old, but not eternal.  He is powerful, but not omnipotent.  He is intelligent, but not omniscient.  The devil, then, has limitations, but he is still a great adversary, and, while he is no match for God, he is an enemy that we should all […]

Courageous Preaching

by Don Wright

It takes courage to preach the truth in hostile environments.  One notable example of courageous preaching is found in Acts 24 when Paul had the opportunity to preach to Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, and his wife, Drusilla.  After Paul was falsely accused by the Jew’s spokesman, Tertullus, a professional orator, Felix allowed Paul […]

Are You Ready to Row?

by Don Wright

1 Corinthians 4:1 (ESV) 1  This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. The saints at Corinth were regressing in their Christianity due, in part, to their carnal view of ministers (1 Corinthians 3:1-7).  Paul was being very straightforward with these saints so that they […]

The Benefit of Spiritual Freedom

by Don Wright

The benefit of spiritual freedom can serve as motivation, not only to those who have not obeyed the gospel of Christ, but also to those who already have.  Paul wrote of this at the end of the sixth chapter of Romans. Romans 6:22 (ESV) 22  But now that you have been set free from sin […]

You Are Not Enough

by Don Wright

The world comes up with cute little sayings that are sometimes inspirational but, at other times, just plain wrong and even dangerous to the soul.  I saw one of the latter sort the other day.  It was on the back of a shirt that a young lady was wearing.  It said, “You Are All You […]

In Thy Seed

by Don Wright

In Genesis 12:1 we read of the call of Abram (later God changed his name to Abraham) to leave his father’s house and to go to a land which God would show him.  Following that call God gives Abram a threefold promise, two parts of which had to do with the physical, and one part […]

How Do You Walk?

by Don Wright

Physically speaking, we can learn a lot by how a person walks.  Some walk with their eyes looking down, avoiding those around them, revealing a certain degree of timidity or shyness.  Others walk looking up, making direct eye contact with those walking by, leading to some type of verbal acknowledgement, revealing a person with a […]

The Best Rule in the World

by Don Wright

Life is full of rules and regulations.  There are rules we must follow at home, on the job, and even when we are out in the community.  There are rules that guide us in every area of life.  Despite what some believe and teach, there are rules that we must follow in Christ as well.  […]